Part 2

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‏When the sun specifically shone on Sunday in New York State, Ashley woke up and filled the happiness of her face.  Today is the day when the final results are published at the end of the year before the summer vacation begins, Ashley took her computer and opened the university account to see her results, and after a few minutes it was released and got an A + on all of her major topics
‏ Ashley: Mom, I've got the full score on all of my subjects
‏ Mum: Well done, I was always proud of you
‏ Ashley: Thank you, mom
‏ Mom: Pardon
‏ Across New York City, specifically at the airport
‏ Sherrill: Hello Eva
‏ Eva: Oh, Sherrill, how are you
‏ Sherrill: I'm fine
‏ Eva: Good, are you coming to New York ??
‏ Sherrill: Yes, but I need a car to take me to the hotel
‏ Eva: Don't worry, I'll take you
‏ Sherrill: Well, I'm waiting for you

I loved you since our first meeting 💕حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن