" Yoongi? W-what are you doing," Yeonjun asked.
" U-Um we were...."
" We were....."
" Watching porn!"
" What," Jimin yelled.
" What the hell," San shouted.
" U-Um what's porn," Yeonjun whispers in San ear.
" Don't worry about that! And we know you guys weren't doing that! You guys were making out!"
" Lo-look Yeonjun it's not what you think," Yoongi tried to explain.
" Y-You're with Jimin? A-after all he did...y-you're with him," Yeonjun whispered.
" You know what Jun, I think we should do the responsible thing," San patted his shoulder.
" Phew, thanks for understandin-" Jimin started.
" Let's tell the others!"
They both ran out of the bathroom.
" Shit," Yoongi yelled.
" Oh no."
" Tae!!!"
Taehyung and Jungkook jumped and turned around.
" Every fucking time Yeonjun," Taehyung sighed.
" Dude! We saw something," San yelled.
" Who's this cutie," Jin smirked.
" What the hell Jin," Namjoon yelled.
" What, he's not hotter than me," Jin scoffed.
" Why me," J-hope sighed.
" Tae! This is very important," Yeonjun panted.
" What is it," Jungkook asked.
" Ok we saw-"
" Hey guys," Yoongi enters.
" Shush Yoons, my bro was telling me something."
"U-Um lets go to the salad bar," Yoongi blurted it out.
" No! We saw him and-"
" Guys is it hot in here or it's just Tae," Yoongi said.
Everyone looked at him while Jungkook was glaring at him.
" Hey! That's my boyfriend," Jungkook huffed.
" I-I mean come on Kooks like the man deserves a real man. Not some brat that whines and cries when he doesn't get attention," Yoongi scoffs.
That's when Jungkook lost it," That's it! I'm kicking your ass," he yells. He was about to jump over the table but Taehyung caught him.
" Babe, I'm sure he didn't mean it."
" Oh really!? Tell me why that he threatened to take you away from me?!"
Taehyung expression gotten darker, "He what?"
" Yep! He said that he was going to take you away from me a-and he was going to show you that y-you don't need me," he pouted. Taehyung kissed his cheek and glared at Yoongi.
" H-he's lying guys, I already have a man."
" Oh we know, that's why we saw you-"
" Hold up! Yoons, you calling my baby a liar?"
" Why would I want you when I literally have a boo?"
" You literally just said that he was hot," Jin said.
" What? I can't compliment my friends?"
" And you just told him that he needs a real man," J-hope scoffed.
" I-I meant like not plastic."
" You literally just call- you what I'm done with this bullshit," Namjoon continued eating.
" T-Taehyungie you have to believe me," he pleaded with his wide doe eyes.
" Yoons you can make fun of me all you want to, but calling my boyfriend a liar isn't it."
Everyone was quiet and looked at him with shock.
" Thank you, we saw Yoongi and-"
" Guys!"
Kai came running towards them.
" You know what! I give up," Yeonjun threw his hands in the air.
" What is it Kai," San asked.
" Ok so there's a fight outside and I think it's a kid named Yugyeom and he's fighting with Jimin!"
" What," Yoongi yelled.
" Yeah! Apparently Yugyeom thought he was sleeping with his boyfriend or something and Jimin went off."
Everyone looked at each other, " Meh."
" Y-You guys aren't going to see it?"
" Nah, he's useless anyways, plus I already kicked his ass twice, it's Yugyeom turn," Taehyung pulled Jungkook by his waist to be closer to him.
" Eh, let the bitch get his ass beat," Jin scoffed.
" I'm sorry you two, what were you saying," J-hope points at San and Yeonjun.
Yoongi was sweating so much.
" YoongiwasmakingoutwithJimininthebathroom," San blurted out.
" God damnit," Yoongi sighed.
Everyone looked at him with shock.
" W-what did you just say," Taehyung asked.
" He said Yoongi was making out with Jimin in the bathroom," Yeonjun frowned.
Everyone glared at Yoongi.
" You were doing what," Taehyung asked.
" L-Look we weren't technically making out."
" You were literally kissing in the stall," San rolled his eyes.
" Shut it."
" You was making out with the person that caused our lives to be a living hell?!"
" Look guys he explained-"
" Yoongi! He's known for being a liar! He made us be suspended from the fucking basketball team!"
" And he slashed our tires and cut off the internet when we were stuck in a hurricane," Jin yelled.
" He lied to everyone saying we were abusive," Namjoon snapped.
" And he lied on Taehyung for being on drugs," J-hope snapped.
"And he hurt Taehyungie and Yeonjun!"
"He fucking blackmailed my fucking boyfriend! And he paid a gang to cut my brother's arm and ruin his life and you're making out with him in the bathroom?!"
Yoongi was silent after that.
" Look Yoongi, I'm sorry that Tae doesn't like you but going with someone that literally caused us so much pain isn't the answer," J-hope said.