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I was sat in the living room of the Cullens, the Denali's had basically given me up to them. I honestly didn't care; the Cullens were old friends technically. Albeit we had a falling out, I missed them. My bipolar disorder had been cured and I wasn't making Jasper feel all these emotions that were overwhelming for even me.

I was laughing with Rose when Alice's phone rang, she rushed in quickly. "Bella! Are you okay?!"
I stood up quickly, I may have been angry with my sister but she needed to be okay.

"Yeah, Alice I'm fine. Is Carlisle there?" Alice handed her over to Carlisle, "Carlisle I don't know how, but I think I'm pregnant." My heart shattered, my sister got pregnant before me. I was supposed to have kids; she didn't want them!

"Are you sure?" Carlisle asked panicked.

"Whoa! Carlisle, I swear something just moved inside of me." The more she spoke the more my heart broke, she was going to die. After Edward had declared they were coming back I sat around in my room with Rose when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said lightly into the device and heard a sigh of relief.

"Beau! I need you to help me." My eyes widened and Rose moved closer to me in case Bella said something about her. Or anyone in the family.

"What is it, whatever you need Bells," I told her lightly so the other vampires wouldn't hear.

"I need you to help me protect my baby."


It had been two weeks since Bella had arrived home, and she looked sickly. Bella has called dad to tell him she was sick, I knew it would raise suspicions with Jake and he would come he- here he is.

I could feel the imprint pull loosen and I snarled and went to walk away, "Wait! Please." Bella begged me and I suddenly felt hate toward her but I suppressed it.

"Rose, protect her." Rose nodded and I walked out of the room and as soon as I did I slid down the wall and listened.

"Bella?" His voice sounded strained, "is Beau here?" Did he ask about me? Why would he do that? I knew that Edward could hear me but I didn't care. The more he spoke the more tears welled in my eyes. My human trait shining through as a tear fell down my face.

"I don't know." I rolled my eyes, he knew I was here. Maybe he would think I was away from him. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him. I wanted to be happy for a while.


Jake has just stormed out of the house angrily and I was sobbing into my hand, he missed me but he still loved her. No matter what I did, he'd love her. What happened to her being selfish? What happened to her being the enemy?

"Beau, this isn't Bella's fault," Edward whispered and everyone froze as I came into view, the unnatural tear tracks never ceasing and I let out a sob.

"I know! But he just hurt me so much!" I was brought into Rose's arms and she stroked my back and as she did the bond loosened again. I looked out to see him and Edward walked out to talk.

After a few minutes the two came up and I kept my gaze on a portrait of the Cullens. I wasn't going to hide, I wasn't going to be weak.

"Beau?!" I grunted and got up to leave but a cold arm stopped me.

"No, this is tearing you apart." It was Jasper, I shrugged out of his grip, "if you keep this up you'll both die." He tried to convince.

"I'd rather die than be mated to that mutt," I could feel his heart shatter, it was mixed in with mine and I knew Jasper felt the final string snap and I walked away with an emotionless face.

"She'll come around." Alice tried but Jacob kept staring after me. For some reason I knew Alice was right, I knew I'd give in to the imprint bond. How could I not? It was so strong!


After having Jake around for two days, it became harder and harder to resist him, I hated the longing looks he gave Bella and the glances he gave me. She did this! I grew angry and ditched the nearest thing closest to me at a wall. It was a vase, tears came to my eyes and I fell to the ground and sobbed loudly.

Why doesn't he love me, he only cares because of the imprint bond. I HATE HIM!


Edward looked at Bella briefly before there was a smash heard. I went to go investigate.

"She doesn't want to see you." He said shockingly, "her thoughts, their not really positive when it comes to you." My heart shattered at that, "she thinks you love Bella;"

"I HATE HIM!" I heard her scream, I knew this wast fault. I ran into the room to find her being held by Jasper and tears falling from her eyes...tears?

"No you don't honey, no you don't." Alice kept repeating that, I was confused. How couldn't she sense me?

"I do, I do, I do! He's so cruel! So cruel!" Tears gathered in my eyes, "what's so good about her?! Huh? What is so good about Isabella Swan?! Is because she was normal! She wasn't bipolar! She wasn't a mute! She she she's HUMAN!" My heart shattered at her heartbroken screams. She was completely broken, because of me.

"Yes, she's human." I said, everyone's eyes widened, "but she's not you." Beau looked up at me with confusion in her eyes, "I was stupid to kiss her. I'm so sorry." As I whispered those words a tear fell from my eyes. "Even without this imprint bond...I'd always chose you," Beau looked up at me with a sadness in her eyes.

"No, you wouldn't." Her eyes turned a shade of green, and mine welled with tears and my heart broke into pieces, "but...I need you in my life, Jacob. So it's either me or her?" Her words echoed through my mind; "I'm not asking you to not see her, I'm not asking you to stop being friends with her...I'm asking you to love me...so who is it?"

"You, Beau it's always been you! You were my love always! Not Bella...I swear." My words were full of truth and she saw that. She laughed.

"This is awkward..." I chuckled and rushed forward and brought her lips to mine. "I'm so sorry Jake..."

"It's fine, I'm fine." I smiled into her embrace and felt comfortable in the cold embrace.

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