You wake up feeling pretty well rested, you rub your eyes and get out of the bed. You look at the wall in front of you and then at the closed door and instantly remember about yesterday. Before you leave you fix the bed to the way it was before you came in. You went downstairs and heard everyone already talking. You noticed Grace talking with the two wolf girls from yesterday in your cell, Grace noticed you and before you could say anything she smiled at you and motioned for you to come in.
Grace: "Morning!"
Isabella: "Umm m-morning."
Grace: "Where did you disappear to yesterday? You did not only miss bath time but missed the introductions with these two cute wolfs~"
Isabella: "Master replaced the bandages for me and well... I ended up sleeping in her bedroom."
She smiled at you again and patted on the ground next to her inviting you to sit down there. You walk up to her and sit down then look the wolf girls in the eyes, you could see nothing in them which kinda scared you.
Grace: "You noticed it too?"
You look at her and notice her sad smile but she still has determination in her eyes.
Grace: "It seems they got turned into puppets that do what they are told to do with no real purpose in life but we're here for the ones who suffer! Am I right Isabella?!"
You nod in agreement.
Grace: "Before we end up talking about anything else, let's introduce you to them."
The wolf wearing red extends her hand first and you hesitantly extend yours to shake hers.
Mya: "My name is Mya and this is my sister Faith, tell us what to do and we will do it without much thought."
Isabella: "I-Isabella, nice to meet you."
She lets go of your hand and looks you in the eyes which causes you to blush.
Mya: "You remind me of how Faith used to look like, always so shy and gentle... But things change and so did our master."
Grace places a hand on her shoulder.
Grace: "Everyone has gone through something and I know that's it's not easy but you should stop thinking about your life before you came here and be yourself, make your own decisions, make friends. If the world is changing, you should do the same and adapt to it."
Mya: "You know, you would make a great pack leader."
Grace looks a little taken aback by that.
Grace: "I really doubt it."
Mya: "Everyone needs inspiration to do something, and you gave me a lot of it in these past couple of hours."
Grace: "I think that there is much more to being a pack leader than just inspiring everyone."
Mya: "There are three things, inspiration, trust and respect. Gaining trust and respect isn't that hard, but inspiring them to live on and not giving up on life in this world is way harder to do."
This sort of a talk continues for a while, you and Faith joined in too and it was pretty fun to learn more about them and how the packs work. At the end of the conversation you sensed happiness and acceptance in them, it felt as if they accepted you not as masters but as friends.
A few hours passed and you heard footsteps from upstairs.
Grace: "Seems like our master came back."
You heard the door close and in a couple of seconds your master ended up in the basement with all of you. She was out of breath and seemed in a hurry.
Master: "Listen... Everyone..."
Everyone walked out of their cells and sat down in front of her, a cat girl ran out of her cell with a chair in hand and placed it next to her Master so she could sit down and relax a little. Master thanked her and the cat girl sat down on the ground next to everyone.
Master: "We got a problem... And it's a big one."
Everyone kept quiet and listened to what she was about to say next.
Master: "There is a horrible man coming over here to take a few of you, if I do anything he will tell other people about this place and it might not end well. But I'm not planning on giving any of you away to those monsters, so I was wondering if you guys could help me?"
Silence fills the room.
Master: "Yeah, I guess I should-"
Cat girl: "I'll help."
You hesitate but still raise your hand.
Isabella: "I'll join."
Master: "But you're-"
Grace: "We'll join too."
You look back and see Grace, Mya, Faith and a few others raising their hands.
Mya: "For someone who is so shy, you are pretty brave."
Grace just grins at you.
Soon after everyone agrees to join and fight with Master.
Master: "Do you truly want this?"
In unison you answer yes.
Master: "You do understand that this will not be a simple fight and you might get hurt if not killed?"
Most of you nod while others rethink their choice.
Master: "You do know that you will have to kill them even if they beg for mercy?"
That question puts everyone to silence.
Isabella: "Do w-we really have to kill them if they beg for mercy? Wouldn't that mean that we're no different than them?"
Master: "People like them, do not deserve a second chance. You leave them alive, then they will remember you and come back for you for revenge or kill you the moment you turn your back on them. They are not the people you can trust, if they get the chance, they will kill you, I've learned that the hard way.... Well, you got a few minutes to think again."
She stands up and leaves. You turn around and face Grace with the two wolf girls.
Grace: "So, what will we do?"
Mya: "Doesn't matter what we choose, our master will fight them with all the strength she has, if she loses, we will be turned into slaves and our hell will start all over again or we can repay her for her kindness and fight with her, but I doubt it will end with only killing a few of them, if they notice that their friends didn't come back, they will come here to check. Two options for you to choose from, watch and be turned into a slave or fight and win freedom, not only for yourself but for the slaves that he has captured."
Isabella: "I'll f-fight."
Mya: "We're fighting too, right Faith?"
Faith nods and then the three of you turn to Grace.
Grace: "If Isabella is going then I'll have to 'Grace' you with my presence."

FantasyThis is a pre sequel of my first book PORTAL TO ANOTHER WORLD! This is the start of everything, the world and the portal to it. You will uncover a few secrets and characters back story, but what could they have possibly been hiding from you? (All t...