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Nikki's POV

I was the first one up so I made Breakfast. We were all eating when Matt asks "You excited to come to the studio with me today?" I smile and nod "Yes". I cleaned up. Took a shower. Me and Matt were off.

I'm turning 21 in two days. " Nikki what are you doing for your birthday?" Matt asks "well I'm gonna hang out with my boyfriend and maybe hang out with you guys if that's ok" I said. "Of course you can hangout with us." He said while driving

I smile we get to hi5 studio's and there's louds buildings. "How many buildings are there?" I ask in a funny voice. He laughs and says "Well there's red base, blue base, orange base." He says we walk in orange

Base. Loads of office's and no one was there. "How come no one is here it's Friday they should be working" I said with a laugh
After. He chuckles and says "Nikki they don't come till later." "Oh I forgot it's still early" I said while still laughing.
Amanda texts me


Amanda: honey I'm taking you clothes shopping when you get back. Luna's going to my mom's house.

Me: are you sure? I don't want you to waste your money on me, my boyfriend does that

Amanda: honey I'm not wasting money on you. I'm spending it correctly

Me: ok thank you then

Mini Time Skip

Me and Matt were home luna was with Amanda's parents I miss her already. "Ready Nikki?" Amanda said "yes" I said running after her. We got to the mall and went shopping Around when she asked me
"Hey Nikki why don't you just stay with your boyfriend?"

I thought about it "because if he leaves me I'll have no were else to go. So I'll be ready first that day to come" I said. She nodded
"Is it true that your parents have made multiple attempts to kill you?" She asks

"Yes they are still trying now. I guarantee they're not gonna stop until someone else gets custody of me or adopt me" I said she smiles "let's hope someone does" I smile back. "What did you agree to babysit Luna?" She asks "because she's like the little light in my life"

Amanda smiles "You needed a light didn't you?" I nodded "we're are you staying tonight?" She asks "I gotta go home" I frowned as I said that. She hugs me
"It'll be ok it will all be over soon" She said

We finished shopping and I head back home

Yep yep yep his babygirl is making me cry

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