🔬⚗️the lab⚗️🔬 (1/?)

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Ash's POV

We were walking through the woods when I heard an owl, but I understood what it said."she's lonely," me and I said at the same time. Ok, that was weird.

After some walking and Kai freaking out over stepping on twigs,we found a fence, and it looked electrified. "Ok, this is weird...weirder than our owl thing," I said as Kai walked over to it. "I wouldn't do that, kai," I said, but he started climbing it and got electrocuted, but the weird thing was that there were no burn marks. We walked along the fence and found a door, and then Adam started hitting the electrical box with a rock. The rock broke, so we left.

After a little more walking and explaining the owl thing to Kai, we found a shack thing. "Should we go inside?" I asked, but Mira was ahead of me as already walking in. "Well, I'll keep guard outside," I said as everyone walked in.

As everyone was inside, I started hearing a growl. "Ummm. Guys!" I yelled as the growling got closer, but they didn't hear me over Adam and Kai's fighting, so I got ready to fight, but what I saw was not normal. "Oh shit," I said as it walked out the trees. It was a devil dog.

It was three devil dog things "GUYS HURRY UP OR IM GOING TO DIE OUT HERE!" I yelled, fighting the dogs.

They came out with a bag over Adam's shoulder, and when they saw me fighting them and losing, they yelled at me to run...

And so I did.

I followed them to where the gate was, and as Adam threw a wrench at the fence, Kai found a switch

"Couldn't have found that five minutes ago," Adam asked, rubbing his forehead where the wrench hit.

"You ok?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

"Yea, I'm just going to have a headache for a while." Once he said that, I heard a faint growl like one of the devil dogs.

"USE THE KEYS, USE THE KEYS!!" I yell in a panic

"I'm trying!" Adam yelled back.

"Give it!" I snatch the Keys and look at the lock analysing it and find the right key then open the door for everyone to run in.

When they got past the door, I tried getting the keys out so I could lock the door but as I got them puts a devil dog ran up and scratched me just over my eye but I ignored it and kicked the dog back locking the door shut.

After catching my breath, I ran back only to almost fall off a cliff.

Thank god for the others. Or I would be a goner.

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