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he was the shy new kid at school, didn't really talked that much on the first day. Being the little rebel that you are, you ditched math class cuz you heard there was a test. When you headed out the door, you saw him outside in the corner. You went up and asked what's wrong, he looked up and told you he didn't feel good and needed some fresh air. Looking around, you hesitated cuz you don't want him to rat you out, so you said the same. You sat beside him and became close friends.

Now: after school, he took your hand and snuck you back in. He wanted to prove to you that your not the only devil in school. He made up this plan to pull an all-nighter inside the gym without getting caught. He wanted you to stay cuz he knew you were the only one who had the guts to do it with him. After all the teachers left and the janitor went into the gym to clean up the floors, you two snuck in quietly and hid in the gym teachers office. The janitor left without knowing and you two were alone at last. You guys goofed around with the gym equipment and had fun. You had music from his iPod, chips and drinks from the vending machine and you set up a comfy spot with the gym mats in the corner. it was the middle of the night and your body couldn't take it anymore, you flopped on the mats and passed out. The last thing you remembered was him kissing your cheek but you were to tired to do anything about it... When your eyes opened, all you saw was his arm wrapped around your waiste and the gym teacher looking at you with crossed arms. You smiled back at him and went back to sleep.

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