He's not worth less than you

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Damian had moved into the Manor recently, and Dick was on high alert. Damian had been raised to believe Nekos were lesser beings, which meant Dick had to keep him from finding out. He wore baggy hoodies, covering his ears and his tail. He wore contacts, which hid his slits. Dick kept his claws in, and didn't speak around him. There was no telling what Damian would do to him if he found out.

Dick usually hid in rafters, looking down at Damian. Damian scared him, and Dick knew why. Damian reminded Dick of Slade. The way he used a sword, the way he talked down to others, even the way he stood. Dick had gone into three panic attacks since Damian came, all because he thought Slade was back.

If he didn't have to go out, Dick would hide in his room. It was the one place Damian couldn't go, and the one place he wasn't scared to be himself. He would fluff his tail out again, since it got flattened from being in the sweatshirt. He could keep his contacts out, looking at the blue eyes Wally always said he loved.

Wally. It seemed like the Invasion was yesterday, when it had really been four months ago. Dick had snuck out of the Manor countless times, going to the Arctic to see Wally. He always knew where it was, since not many places smelled like electricity up there. Bruce always brought him back, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders.

Tim was always there for Dick. They considered themselves the Gay Anxiety Brothers, checking in on the other when they were acting strange. Tim was the one to get one of Wally's sweaters for Dick, which Dick loved. Dick had been the one to hold Tim when Conner had died, although the clone had come back. Tim was lucky. He got his boyfriend back.

Dick hadn't thought about trying to date again. Wally was the only one for him, and he knew it. No one compared to Wally in his heart. Even if it meant he'd die alone, he wasn't going to do that to Wally.

When did Dick plan on telling Damian? Never. He didn't want to risk anything. His anxiety was already skyrocketing, and he wasn't going to make it worse. Besides, Damian didn't need to know. He'd made it clear he hated Dick already.

Dick had been in the cave with Bruce one night, talking about a recent mission. Dick had a bad feeling, which was clear in his body language. He was antsy, and kept looking around. Someone was watching them, and Dick had a feeling he knew who it was. Tim was at the lab, analyzing a drug that had been found in recent kidnapping victims.

Damian was hiding in the cave, trying to sneak up on Dick. There was something he was hiding. It was under that hoodie he always wore. Damian was going to get answers, one way or another. Even if he had to shred that hoodie, he was going to know.

Damian leapt down, right above Dick. He should've landed in the older, but Dick rolled right before he could. How did he know? Damian had been silent. There should've been no way for Dick to know. Even Bruce looked surprised.

"What was that for?" Dick asked, trying to keep the fear out of his voice. "You're hiding something. I want to know what." "It's none of your business!" "It is now." Damian leapt at Dick again, who dodged and landed on the stairs to the second floor. If he could get out of Damian's sight, he might be able to hide. At least he could calm down a little.

Damian launched himself at Dick once more, and watched as Dick flipped into the lab. Damian growled. Drake was in there, and would certainly hurt him for trying to attack Grayson. Besides, he was doing some sort of test. "I'm going to find it. Just wait."

Dick sighed once Damian stalked off, sitting in on one the chairs heavily. "Are you alright?" Tim asked. "Fine." "No, you're not. I've seen that expression before. It's Damian, isn't it?" "He tried to take my hoodie. He said he wanted to know what I was hiding. He almost found out, Tim." Dick was shaking as he pulled the hood down further.

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