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"Mom, you're too old to become an acrobat," my head shook in dismay at my mother's midlife decisions. Dream big, she always says, and of course the woman would live by her own line.

I imagined her putting one hand on her hip. It's gesture she's been accustomed to and is equivalent to an eye roll. After a sigh, she spoke again, "Who are you to tell me who I can and can't be?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Sometimes I feel like I'm the parent, "I don't know whether to laugh or be worried since you sound so serious," I said.

"I am serious," replied the woman in a tone that proved it.

"And what does your husband say about it, hm?" I bit into my third cheeseburger. Cheeseburgers for dinner; that's it, that's the life.

My mom's laugh was suggestive and I wish I had never asked the question. Her reply came dripping with mischief, "He's supportive, thank you very much. When I learn how to bend, it only means he can hit it from—"

"Don't. Don't finish that sentence," I cut her off and looked down at my cheeseburger, appetite running for the hills with its hands covering its ears. Poor appetite.

Lauren Alexie decided to mock me further, dragging my love life and/or sex life into the conversation, "Not my fault you're not getting some."

"Mom!" I exclaimed, "Just because I don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean I'm not getting some."

"Oh?" she began, "Should I expect a grandchild?"

"Mom," I groaned and hoped that my agony reached her as a hand to the mouth. I liked this woman better when she was complaining about leaves in her front yard. "Go do some stretches," I added.

"I shall," she sang, "Love you, Gigi."

"I love you too," I hung up right after and stared at my burger. I shuddered at Lauren Alexie's naked body in my head. She's my mother and we're close; of course I've seen her naked. Sparing the sandwich for later, I put it inside my fridge.

After one human being who I love had annoyed me, another came knocking on my door. I found myself wondering if this is what Keenan feels on Saturdays and then cursed Gia for reminding herself of Keenan. Keenan can go fuck himself.

The hallway greeted me with a semi-casual Ralph who I assume had just arrived from work. I can say goodbye to the cheeseburger I spared. I let him in and sure enough, the first on his itinerary was my kitchen. As the man raided my fridge, I plopped back on my bed, placing my PC on my lap.

"I've been talking with Adderall's friend," he began, naming my crush after a drug, "I'll meet her this Friday unless Janella wants to—"

"That woman's taken," I reminded him, also reminding myself that Keenan, too, is taken. My eyes did a sweep-over of the text on my device

Ralph spoke before he bit into my cheeseburger, "You're their relationship savior now?"

I hugged my purple bear to my chest. She smells like Adil, "I am," I muttered against the fury inanimate object. My answer had Ralph laughing teasingly and boy, did I wanna shove the burger down his throat.

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