Steve's House

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We sat across the aisle from eachother and talked.
"My house is a little crazy. I have 3 other siblings there." Steve told me.
"Oh." My eyebrows shot up. "I only have one older sister."
We got off at his stop and he led the way to the door, and opened it.
"You can put your stuff down here. Want a snack?" I put my backpack down and noticed a pair of purple Vans that looked surprisingly similar to Laura's.
"Well?" Steve asked once again.
"Oh, sorry. Sure." I replied and followed him to the kitchen.
His mom was there.
"Mom, this is Cailee." Steve said.
We exchanged a hello.
Steve handed me a Gogurt and we talked towards his room.
He sat on his bed and I sat on his desk chair.
"So, our three environments should be.... one, very moist. Two, dry. And three, very dry." I said, starting to fill out the packet.
"Let's go downstairs and look for some supplies." Steve suggested and we went.
We were in his basement and I saw a guy. Tall, dirty blonde, looked about 15.
"Hey, James. Did you see the cardboard?" Steve asked his brother.
"Huh twerp? Oh. You must be Cailee, Steve's girlfriend." He said, looking at me.
"Shut up, James." Steve rolled his eyes.
"Fine, it's over there." His brother pointed to the corner of the room. Steve waved to me to come with him.
"Hey." He said to somebody, I looked up to see a teenage girl.
Not just any teenage girl.
My sister, the teenage girl.
We practically screamed at eachother.
"You guys, uh, know eachother? You know my girlfriend?" James asked.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Steve's brother is dating my sister?
"Yeah, pretty well. We're sisters." I said.
"Oh." Steve and James say in unison.
This is going to be so awkward now.
"Let's go start the project." I said, grabbing the cardboard.

i finally updated.! yay👌

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