Needles to say, you absolutely despised when the boys left for tour. You loved each and everyone of them dearly and to have your best friends leave you friends weeks and even months on end....well, that would suck for anybody.
Now of course technology exists, you could always facetime or text them when you missing them a little extra, but it's nowhere close to having them with you.So here you are, sitting in yours and Zach's shared apartment, three months into tour and already losing your mind. You laid there wondering how you did it before. Maybe because you and Zach weren't as close or maybe because your pillows didn't smell like him last time.
No matter how you got through it last time, every time is different and every time it hurts more to watch him walk out the door.
As your brain finally begins to shut down you hear the all to familiar sound of Zach's ringtone. Practically jumping up off of your bed, you unplug and answer your phone.
"Y/N" you hear the voices of your five favorite people should from the other end of the call. You smile and laugh, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted from yours shoulders.
"Hey Boys! How are you? How's tour?" you blurt out faster than intended.
They all laughed at your hurried voice and started talking about tour. All the amazing cities, bright lights, the millions of fans. Your heart warm at the sound of happiness laced throughout their voices.
Of course you love all of the boys to death, but there was one that you wanted to talk to more than the others.
"Hey guys do you mind if me and Zach have a minute?". You said quietly in hopes not to weigh down the light mood.
"Oh yeah sorry Y/N".you heard Daniels voice come through the speaker. Then all the other boys said their goodbyes and good nights, finally leaving you Zach alone.
"Hi baby". His voice was soft and sleepy, but you could hear the smile underneath the tiredness.
"Hey love". You missed him so, so much.
Comfortable silence settled over the two of you. Any normal couple would have been talking up a storm trying to make up for lost time, but it was different with you Zach.
The two of you knew you loved each other and knew you didn't have to spend every last minute trying to prove or say it.
A/N: Hi loves! I know this one is short and not that good but I'm running out of ideas! please leave me some in the comments have a great day/night

•Why Dont We Imagines•
FanfictionCURRENRLY UNDER EDITING First book in the wdw series All stories will be x reader!