Chapter 1.2

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Inko's eyes widened, not believing what the doctor was saying. That's not possible only females get quirks!

Apparently he's the first... can't say I'm not jealous.

How can you even tell don't quirks only manifest at age three?

You'd be right if the quirk type was emitter or transformation but mutant quirks are apparent at birth for instance my granddaughter is two but has purple bat wings. (A/N) I don't know how mutant quirks work in the series but since this is my fanfic I'm doing it.


Well since that's cleared up I'll bring your son in now. The doctor then walked out of the room before Coming back in carrying a bundled towel with a small bit of green hair being visible.

Inko smiled as she was handed her son, as she removed the towel her eyes locked with the large green ones starting back at here.
(So cute.) She thought before taking notice of his green hair adorned with small crimson red highlights, four freckles lay beneath each eye.

The doctor came over and pulled the towel back revelling the rest of Izku's head including his ears...
From the point where most normal human ears are to just above the top of his head stood two fluffy whiteish-orange k-9 like ears dawned with black tips.

Are those wolf ears? Inko said wide eyed

Not exactly the ears themselves are two wide to be wolf ears and the colour pattern is unlike any other wolf species. (A/N) don't ask how the doctor knows this. Ps I have no clue about dog species.

So fox ears then?

Well no they are like fox ears but they are to tall, they seem to be a combination of the two.
The doctor said curiously.

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