Chapter Five

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I swear I getting so restless staying at home I just wanna travel and enjoy the outside world.

All the love,
Lex 🔪🖤



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"So, Clifford, what brings you and Angel Eyes here to my humble abode?"

The man in the leather chair stands up, buttoning his suit jacket.  He stepped around the desk, making his way to leaning in front of it. 

"Well, Calum, this little cutie has got some trouble," Michael said, nudging me closer to the cold looking man.  The man, 'Calum', frowns, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And what's it to me?  If Angel Eyes here got 'imself in trouble, then he should be able to get out of it 'imself."

I frowned, looking down at my feet.  I remember what Michael said, and didn't speak up.  Mainly out of fear.

"Tell him, cutie." Michael edged on, telling me that I could speak.  I cleared my throat, not making eye contact with either of the men in the room.

"My b-brother, Luke, was t-taken.  He called me up this m-morning asking if I could loan him five grand, saying he had some g-gambling debt he needed to pay to some m-men in Brooklyn.

"I met up with him and gave him the m-money, and he t-told me to call Michael if he didn't contact me by m-midnight tonight. 

"But I f-f-followed him to Union Square Park, and he met up with this five men.  They asked him if he had the 'two million', which Luke s-said he'd get it.  They knocked him out and took him with t-them, saying he'd have to explain to their boss about the money." I ringed my wrists as I finished telling the story.

"Well," Calum unfolded his arms, standing straight.  He looked me over, and I felt anxious under his cold stare.  "Mike why'd you bring him here?  This is in no way my business, in fact, I really couldn't care less about Angel's brother's mistakes."

"His brother is Hemmings' kid, the one I brought by a few weeks ago." Michael stared, stepping forward to stand next to Calum.  "And I think ol' Robert wouldn't like his kid gettin' mixed up in this life.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that the blonde boy toy of yours is Robert's kid.  Wait, Angel Eyes, what did you say your name was, again?"

"Ashton Irwin, s-sir.  Luke is my little brother, well, h-half brother." I said slowly, letting the two friends take in the information.

"I'm gonna keep callin' you Angel Eyes.  It suits ya."  I blushed lightly, but cowered under his staring again.  The raven haired man smirked, seeming to enjoy my discomfort.

"It's the Chicago mob," Michael spoke up, making me turn to face him.  "Cutie here heard the names Dolphi and Jablinski.  It checks out, cause they sent a few men to Brooklyn to take care of some shipments from the Yakuza."

"Shit." Calum swore, pushing himself off the desk and returning to the leather seat.

"Wait, the m-mob?  I t-thought the mafia was just a myth." I spoke up, confused about what Michael was saying.

"Oh, Sweetheart," Calum smirked, looking up at me with his deep brown eyes laced with amusement.  "I know I may look like a dream, but I'm pretty damn real."

A cold chill ran down my spin when I realised what type of people I was in the presence of.  Gangsters; cold blooded killers who I've only seen in movies.

"You?" I whispered, but Calum seemed to have heard me.  He stood up again, making his way to stand directly in front of me.

"Angel, you're messing with the big boys now." He whispered, raising his hand to grasp my cheek.  "Shame, you're a cute one, Angel Eyes."

"Excuse m-me?" I whispered, tense under his touch.  The man flashed a sinister smile, tracing his fingers down my jaw.

"I gain nothing from helping you, Angel.  Therefore," he paused, turning around to walk back to the desk.  "You must die.  You shouldn't have brought him here, Mike."

"Please, sir, h-help me get my brother back.  I-i'll do anything."  I begged, grabbing onto the man's arm to stop him.  He turned around, and I into the man's deep brown eyes.  They danced with evil and power; one cold glare could kill a man.  But a hidden emotion flashed in his eyes for a quick moment, making him sigh.

"Fine, Angel.  I'll help you get your brother back."

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