I wake up to the light streaming in through my window, Elana is leaning over the railing on the balcony looking over the city she turns around and notices that I am awake. She comes over to my bed and a soft glow is cast on her face from the light, illuminating her green eyes. I have always envied her eyes. I wish I had them instead of the black eyes I was given."My lady, it's time" she says in a soothing voice. I get up and go into the bathroom where my chamber pot and bathtub are resting. I clean myself up and then Elana dresses me in a navy blue gown with white embellishments scattered across the sweetheart neckline all the way down to the skirt of the gown. It was beautiful but awfully inconvenient hard to move in and itchy. But
I endured by the end of the day I will be with my dear Adam. We go out the front doors more like gates if you ask me but doors nonetheless. We stepped outside and the cool breeze lifted my hair behind me, people shuffled from store to store. The carriage waiting for us outside mother has agreed to let Adam accompany me. She argued that Olivia should be enough but I told her Olivia is boring. I want Adam to come and so she agreed after a long hour's worth of convincing. My kingdoms sign a soldier standing with the words Duty and Honor is a bold black print. I get into the carriage Olivia climbs in after me as I sit on the cushioned bench in front of Adam. He smiles his one dimple goes up and there is a certain sparkle in his aquamarine eyes. The light hits him at an angle, where his peach complexion glows Adam, is an ideal prince. We are opposites of his fair hair versus my jet black hair and his beautiful eyes compared to my hard coal colored eyes. My ghostly complexion versus his lightly tanned skin. Sometimes I feel like asking him what he puts in his hair making it so shiny. I return the smile after Olivia takes a seat next to me. I have stared at him too long and averted my gaze at this. He just laughs.
Thank you for reading, please comment all feedback is welcomed!!!

The Pheasant's Wings
FantasyAphivia is in danger with a war coming and princesses mysteriously disappearing it is up to Arion, Serra, and Cleph to restore peace to the world.