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' Hey daddy's little princess. Why are you screaming so loud. Mommy is asleep, still exhausted from our hunger games last night.'

' Really Axe!'

Ayanda startled him when he bumped into her as he walked out from the nursery with his daughter in his arms.

' What?! I did not say anything age inappropriate. Anyway I thought you were sleeping in today, why are you up?'

' My daughter's murder is being sentenced today. I want to be there.'

' Do you think you'll be able to handle it if he's given a slap on the wrist?'

Ayanda was quiet for a minute, thinking to herself while she prepared the ingredients for breakfast. It was a blessing in disguise that they could not attend the trial as his father and father-in-law had told him that hearing about what he did to those children was not easy and even the judge was in tears. He did not want her to have to go through that especially since she just got released from hospital.

' I doubt it but I still want to go.'

' I think you should stay home babe.'

' Axel she was my daughter too! It is bad enough that I could not be there the past few days but I want to be there today.'

' I understand and like I told you yesterday our father's said it was a good thing we could not make it and maybe it will be-'

' I don't want to hear it. I'm going and that's final.'

Axel shook his head but let it go. There was silence in the kitchen except for the noise Amanda made while her father fed her till Ajax and AJ walked in, just as she finished making them breakfast.

' Morning boys. Ho-'

Ayanda was cut off by AJ spewing out vomit onto the kitchen floor and just as they stood surprised Ajax followed suit.

' Mommy I don't feel too good.'

Both boys said at the same time. Axel put his daughter's food away and got the water and a cleaning cloth to remove their vomit as Ayanda did not do well with vomitus. She could clean anything but vomitus had her vomiting too. She took the boys to shower after giving them each medication and checking their temperatures

' I guess you got what you wanted, I cannot take the boys to your mother in this state. If it was only one of them maybe.'

' This is not what I wanted and I will keep you updated.'

' Yeah whatever.'

Ayanda took her daughter into the living room where they sat watching movies till it was time for Axe to leave. He kissed her on the cheek before doing the same to his daughter and said his goodbyes but got no reply back except a da-da from Amanda.

' How long do you think they'll give him?'

Micheal asked him as they sat in the cafeteria outside the court as the judge had given them a thirty minute recess. Shad, Andrew and Omari were there too with his father and father-in-law to support him. It was hard being in the same room with him and he needed all the support and self control he had not to lunge at him.

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