VII ~ Room, Singular

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"Welcome! And please, make yourselves at home. I'll show you to your rooms," the kind blue-haired lady, Tazuna's daughter, exclaims as she hustles us into the small home. A small black-haired boy with a blue striped bucket hat watches us curiously from the side of the room.

As we pass the living area, Tsunami points to the couches, apologizing that there weren't beds for everyone to sleep on. The genin each claim one of the three couches, Sakura fighting with Naruto for the one beside Sasuke. Sasuke sets his bag down and sits, closing his eyes and pretending he can't hear the other two.

"This way to your room, guys," she says.

"Room?" I mutter.

"It's nothing fancy. It's the master, I don't mind taking the guest room anyways. I hope you'll find it comfortable-"

"We're not together," I grunt. Tsunami goes red as she looks between us, her soft eyes flitting from me to Kakashi.

"O-oh, I'm sorry, I just assumed-"

Kakashi cuts her off, "The room will be fine. Thank you, we appreciate your hospitality while Tazuna builds the bridge."

Nope. Absolutely not. Big bag of nope. This is not happening. 

I immediately shoot Kakashi a wide-eyed glare, intending to lecture him, but hold back while Tsunami is present.

"Yes," I manage through gritted teeth. The words are hard coming out, but I muster up as much kindness as possible. It isn't her fault, after all. She's been very kind to take us all in like this. "Thank you, Tsunami. You're very thoughtful."

"O-of course. I-It's no problem, really," she stammers, obviously embarrassed for assuming we were together. She opens the door to the master, letting us in first. "I-I can get a sleeping bag--or I could make a bed of blankets on the floor beside the-"

Kakashi cuts her off with a closed eye smile and a soft hand on her shoulder, "It's quite alright," he says. "We will figure it out."

Tsunami nods quickly before escaping down the hallway, her small feet echoing on the hard floor.

I glare at the single, queen sized bed in the middle of the room.

"What a great fucking situation," I mutter under my breath.

Kakashi chuckles and walks in, tossing his bag on the floor at one side of the bed.

"I mean, it's a queen sized-"

"You don't seriously expect me to sleep in the same bed with you," I grunt, stomping across the room and tossing my bag on a small chair in the corner. "I'll sleep here."

Kakashi shrugs, falling onto the bed and sprawling out like a starfish. I groan in frustration.

"Whatever, have it your way," he says, yawning loudly.

At dinner, Tsunami makes small talk, asking us about our village and the shinobi system. Sakura happily answers many of her questions while Sasuke and Naruto glare each other down across the table, seemingly in a staring contest.

I should just stop bothering with those two. Seriously.

I perk up when I hear my name.

"I'm sorry, I was totally zoned out. Can you repeat that?" I say, feeling slightly embarrassed by my rudeness. Tsunami takes no offence and giggles.

"It's alright. You must be exhausted after today's long journey," she says sweetly. I nod and realize she's right. As if all at once, I feel the exhaustion from the day wash over me.

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