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Anxiety: Creativity!

Creativity: Jeez, that name is so formal. What do you want?

Anxiety: Alright, first off, why aren't you working?

Creativity: I am physically unable to get Kai to work on any writing stuff at the moment. He's just not up for it... Write now...

Anxiety: I honestly should have seen that coming. Why not?

Creativity: Hell, if I know. It's a good break time, though. I've posted a lot recently so you can just leave me alone about that.

Anxiety: Alright, whatever. Anyway, what do you mean that name is 'too formal'? That's what you've asked us to call you.

Creativity: Well now it's gotten old. Call me Eiji.

Anxiety: Eiji?

Eiji: Yes. Got a problem?

Anxiety: That's a stupid name.

Eiji: Well, that's not my fault, now is it?

Kindness: Ooh, your name is Eiji?! That's pretty!

Logic: It is nice, I'll admit that.

Eiji: Thank you for being nice about it, Kindness and Logic.

Anxiety: Fine, it's cool or whatever.

Eiji: That's honestly the best you got?

Anxiety: Look, I'm Anxiety. Not Kindness. I'm not nice and you can't change that.

Eiji: Alright, whatever.

Depression: Alright, we're done with Kai now. I guess.

Anxiety: We?

Dysphoria: Yeah, we.

Euphoria: Dysphoria, really?!

Kindness: Oh. Well, that's where they went. Hi Euphoria! How are you?

Euphoria: I'm great but I gotta undo Dysphoria's work.

Dysphoria: Wow, rude.

Euphoria: I'm not rude. You're the rude one.

Dysphoria: I know I am.

Eiji: Oh, that's why Kai wasn't working. Oh well. Still not gonna work. I worked all day.

Anxiety: My god...

Kindness: Hey, that leaves more time to respond to comments! We should have a break, anyway.

Anxiety: Alright! Whatever! Go respond to comments or whatever.

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