The CEDEF Arrives in Musutafu

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() Meabs thoughts

This means flashback

No-Ones POV
We see two people on a roof top fighting each other one of them with a kid about Izuku's height with blue hair holding kunai's and another with short black hair about shoji's height fighting with claws the one holding the Kunai is also holding a box

No-Ones POVWe see two people on a roof top fighting each other one of them with a kid about Izuku's height with blue hair holding kunai's and another with short black hair about shoji's height fighting with claws the one holding the Kunai is also ...

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(This is what the claws look like)
the kid with a kunai then sets off a smoke bomb confusing then black haired and runs away still holding the box.

Izuku's POV
After our trip to mafia land we went back to school and after the USJ nezu enrolled toga and chizome I'm class 1-A during one day Mr.Aizawa came into class one day.

Aizawa: Okay since the sports festival is coming up you all have 4 weeks off and nezu wanted me to tell you this that this year a few selected students will fight with some exchange students from Italy that's all you are all dismissed today.

Reborn:(Is it time already)

After Mr.Aizawa left Mina shouted.

Mina: Hey guys since were off for the day let's go to the mall.

Toru: Nice Idea Mina.

Izuku: Hey Mina can I invite doom people.

Mina: Sure the more the merrier.

No-Ones POV
All of class 1-A including Shinso and mirio started walking inside the mall in a huge cluster after awhile toga started tugging on Izuku's sleeve and asked.

Toga: Hey Izuku can I talk to you alone for a second.

Izuku: Sure Toga.

They walked off to a corner of a mall toga then said.

Toga: I know your secret.

Izuku started sweating while saying "what secret".

Toga: I know your part of the mafia.

Izuku: How do you know.

Toga: Before the USJ attack the guy started talking about taking over the Vongola Undecimo and he seemed so focused on you during the battle so I put the two and two together.

Izuku: I guess theirs no hiding it from you.

Izuku then explained toga how he's part of the mafia after he explained toga suddenly hugged him and said.

Toga: This is also a reason why I love you.

Izuku: W-What.

Toga: Even thought you didn't know your still understanding and even embrace it.

After she stopped hugging him they both walked back to the group holding hands Bakugo noticed this and yelled.

Bakugo: Stop hogging him for yourself.


Then all the girls in his harem starts hugging his shoulder.


Tsuyu then slaps him while telling him to "shut up" before mineta could say anything else a explosion happened right near the crowd of U.A students blowing all of them back everyone starts running towards the exit except for one person but a body suddenly falls from the sky hitting Izuku when he gets his bearings back he see's a a red flame on top of boy who landed on him.

Izuku: (Is that a dying will flame)

Before Izuku could actually ask him any questions a kid about shoji's height jumps off a building landing in-front of Izuku and the boy.

Kid: Sebastian just handover the box.

Sebastian: Never Leiko these don't belong to you.

Sebastian then finally notices Izuku under him and quickly gets up.

Sebastian: I'm so sorry master midoryia.

Izuku: Why are you calling me master!!!

Leiko: If your his master then that means your the Vongola undecimo candidate and if a get rid of you then that means we get the rings.

Leiko then runs to Izuku about to cut him but he's kicked back Bakugo, kaminari, and mirio go infront of Izuku and Sebastian kaminari starts generating electricity in his hands while Bakugo makes explosions in her hands.

Mirio: Hey first years you guys should leave you don't even have provisional licenses.

Kaminari: Since he attacked us and our friend by law we can protect ourselves.

Mirio: I just keep liking you third years.

Bakugo then flys to Leiko using her explosions she then goes high into the air she then tries to land an axe kick while using her explosions to go faster and make her attack more dangerous but he grabs her leg and flings her into a wall knocking her out mirio and kaminari attack him together with mirio aiming a punch to his face while kaminari goes for his back but Leiko avoids it easily which makes mirio punch kaminari in the face while kaminari electrocutes mirio.

Leiko: Weaklings now time to take out midoryia.

Reborn: Looks like you need to go deathperate (If I shot him with the hyper bullet then he'll be paralyzed for a day or two and we need that time for training especially now)

Reborn suddenly appeared as a can of soda on the bench next to Izuku holding Leon as a gun.

Izuku: Wait what.

Reborn then shot's Izuku surprising Leiko and Sebastian Izuku then jumps up while yelling.

Izuku: RE-BORN I will beat you like my depends on it.

Izuku then runs up to leiko punching him in the face but leiko kicks him in the stomach sending him into a wall which get's rid of his dying will mode leiko walks over to him to deliver the final stick but before he could do that a whip grabs onto his arm he looks behind to see Dino with Romario.

Dino: Leiko stop before you get in trouble.

Leiko: What are you doing here bronco.

Dino: Helping my little brother now you should go before I tell the CEDEF what your doing.

Leiko: I'll leave when I get those rings.

Dino then goes to Sebastian and takes the box and tosses it to leiko who smiles and quickly leaves.

Sebastian: Master Dino why did you do that.

Dino: They were fakes I created I switched them out for the real ones.

Izuku Midoryia Vongola UndecimoWhere stories live. Discover now