chapter 1

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zanes pov)

I walked down stairs to be greeted by my mother, "morning zuzu!" I grumble and respond with "STOP CALING ME THAT!!" I went to grab a piece of toast but garroth then said "zane, shes just trying to be nice" which caused me to storm out of the house and towards school, guess Im not eating at all today.thats good, u r fat anyway. "shutup voices...."I accidently say outloud but no one was close enough to me to hear it.

As I was minding my own business, getting my books for my first class I felt someone grab my hair and pull hard. as I turned to see who it was I made eye-contact with the one person I didn't want to see, gene.

"Well hello there one-eye, miss me" he says with a huge grin before pushing me to the ground. I groaned when my back hit the wall due to my scars. I sat there, letting gene rant on how much I should die and kick me. I couldn't really blame him though. Just as when he was about to finish me someone pushed gene out o the way. "leave.him.alone." the white-haired male demanded, after that gene ran to his class, leaving me on the floor, beaten up while a white-haired male stood there, with a look of worry and concern on his face.

who is he?, why did he help me? but I was snapped out of my thoughts by my savour putting out a hand and asking "you alright zane?". I reached out to his hand but hesitated when the voices came again he doesn't care, why would he care for you. I pulled my hand away and stood up, ignoring the pain I asked him "who the hell are you, why would you care.?." once the words left my mouth he looked hurt and responded with "zane..don't tell me you forgot about me" with a smile on his face. I scanned his face, admiring all his features, he was pretty cute but when I met his eyes I instantly recognised those emerald eyes, I stepped back, with shock in my eyes before mumbling " cant be.....travis?.."

BOOM! CLIFFHANGER! XD sorry for the short chapter, its a school night so I need to ACTUALLY sleep TwT, until next time! bye mah senpais~! - Author

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