Old-Man: AT last, it seems a Hydrologi oriented one is born. Tick. Tick. Tick. No is this even possible. The old man rushes out. Is it possible for one to harbor 2 within. What has happened or will happen to this boy. A deep worry courses through this old mans still young and healthy beating heart. Should he rush to initiate or will that cause both to bloom. Which is more dominant . Yet something more pressing is to occur. The old man arrived in front of the carved obsidian door and with a grace motion of sliding his hand outward, vertically and rotating it outward palm horizontally to the door, the door was thrust open gently and even in such circumstances shows the true master measure.
Through the doors and within lay a circular five ornate thrones each with a different headpiece. The one the old man belongs to is the only one currently empty as the other masters beat him to the council and entrance room. The old man's chair has a design of a shooting star or a falling meteorite from there and going clockwise is a young woman and the newest to sit upon a throne, whose head piece is an erupting volcano. To her right sat a boy looking a mere 10 years old whose headpiece shows a simple wave. To the boys' rights sat another woman, this one elderly and whose thrones' headpiece is a simple but well known tornado. Lastly came a figure similar to a monk whose headpiece is a flame.
It begins once the Old Man sits.. "Is it even possible!" one exclaims! While the other "we should bring him in now?" "WE CANT LET THE OTHER INSTITUTES GET HIM FIRST!" shouts one. While the other retorts " this boy could upend the power scale within the institute's inner council". That is something the Old Man can't let pass. The Old Man with a simple snap a pebble explodes with such force and accomplaning it ashowave and a heat that if measured exceed seven thousand three hundred degree fahrenheit. In turn all conversation stops and a defensive application is applied showcasing each masters class and level yet all ended up with at least a blister, well all except the Old Man and the Monk quite until now.
Now Master Co, that is a bit too dramatic would you not say, even if Master Tsu mis-spoke, a scathing look from the monk told the young looking boy to not look. Master Co sighs acknowledging Monk and speaks."I apologize that comment caught me off guard and came close to offering our head on a platter to the Inner Institute council and that I will not have. With this I Master Co will recognize this sudden boy as a candidate for our school,with this being said he will be recruited like any other candidate". And uproar starts to break loose to this news yet once again Monk steps in clapping his hand a mellow heat wave echoes around the room and he speaks, " Master Co you are well aware this could jeopardize us getting this boy and if so you will take the consequences?" A simple one worded answer from Master Co ends the meeting "Yes."

Science FictionHey hopefully soon to be dedicated readers?followers/ friends, I have decided to challenge myself to write and hour everyday for 31 days and see what I can come up with. My goal is to come up with and interesting and cohesive story without the wor...