M Y T H I C A L // B A T C H 2 // R E S U L T S

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And here we have the results for vampire/werewolf!



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GENRE // Mythical.

Judged by: raymac_eric & colettecollects.

Ones who have not won a place may, as always, re-enter in batch three.


Name: KnightofEmpires
Book: Wolf & Hood.

Review: Honestly, you're doing everything well here. Writing never feels choppy and the actions just flow off the page and into my head. A very creative twist to the classic werewolf story and the perfect balance between paranormal and modern realistic fiction. The plotline where he stays at Ally's house as a dog is hilarious and you had me laughing throughout the entire chapter. Stakes are just high enough to keep us on the edge, and you set the scene of mystery beautifully, leaves all of us yearning for more. Vocabulary and grammar, although it seems like something small, greatly contributed to my enjoyment as I spotted no noticeable mistakes. However, I wish we had gotten more background on how Vincent's search for magic/moon sickness led him to Ally! Does her grandmother have a reputation as a witch? The plotline with Ally's mother and ex-boyfriend felt a bit unexpected but I'm sure you will tie it all together. I can't wait to read more! I love your book. You've got a reader forever.


Name: WolfUnderTheMoon89.
Book: Selected.

Review: Writing flows very well - you have the ability to fast forward through time and get to the important bits without it being abrupt. Grammar and vocab are perfect. Your plot is very interesting and the relationship between your main characters is very engaging and leaves the reader wanting to find out more. Overall, I think you have the amazing ability to build strong, lovable characters and develop deep relationships between them. However, the dialogue and your cover are the main areas you need to work on. Your cover is pretty average and it really takes away from your awesome book.  The dialogue can come off as a bit stiff and stilted as well. Although you make it work, the plot of living with your mate's pack is a little cliché. I also wish we could have learned more about the relationship between humans and changelings though - I loved the moment in the taxi between the driver and Rajini!

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Name: briizy98
Book: The Nightmare

Review: This book is entertaining. There is no two ways about it. With the minute details on Belle's life in the setting of school, and the ever present, ever alluring friend Tristan, the dynamics are explained to the very small detail. I found myself smiling on how the writer described a fountain. A fountain! But on a serious note, I love the attention and work poured into Belle's story. The dark and somewhat lurking malice that exudes from the story really does make this story mystical in its own right. I really can't find much wrong with this story, and I really did try haha. But I will say one thing, there is an incredible similarity when I was reading this story to The Twilight Saga. I wonder if some inspiration was drawn from that. The authenticity of Tristan's boyish charm is irresistible not only to Belle, but to me as well. He carries the balance that Belle's dark aura brings to the story. And the unfolding events are too god for me to even hint at so I will advise anyone who reads this to go and have a look at this book. It's a fantastic read. (P.S Xavier is also a name that needs recognition).


Name: HKelle
Book: Rise, the Red Sun Rapture

Review: I often find it difficult when trying to build a world based on nothing but your idea with no real landmark that people reference in our world. Stories with worlds that stand on their own, in many mythical genres and fantasy stories, really prove that a book deserves to be read from cover to cover in order to fully appreciate the vast world created by a talented writer. Rise, The Red Sun Rapture is one of those books. By everything sane in Kaulaire, there is no way you can skip this book if you are a lover of the wondrous and evolving world of magic and creatures of the mythical world. I don't really know what to tell you aside form you need to read at least six chapters of this book before you can form a basis of your thoughts towards it. It took me that many, plus a little more if I am being honest, for me to fully appreciate this work of art I had the absolute pleasure to read in Shia's story. The descriptions are done beautifully and some statements left me wondering truly amazed. The story is geared to make those faithful mythical story lovers fall back in love with the ever evolving world of the mystical arts. Brilliant!


Name: KokoroNoKoe
Book: Who Said Broken?

Review: This book is honestly so entertaining. It kept me on the edge of my seat and I was yearning to see what happened next. The plot build-up and clear stakes make your writing so engaging. From the very first chapter, you paved down what the problem is, what the protagonist wants more than anything, introduced all the important people (and gave them distinct and strong personalities and good character development through the chapters), and set down an intrigue (will she get her werewolf senses back?). I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Your blurb has some room for improvement. I think you need to say the character's name and briefly talk about her accident (elaborate more!), readers won't want to read a story when the blurb doesn't tell them much. I don't think the questions really work in the blurb (but personal choice), and the last sentence is a cliché that tells the reader nothing specific about your book. Some sentences feel a little awkward and juvenile, I do understand that the first chapter is narrated by a seven-year-old, but there is a reason most books don't have child narrators.  You could write the first few chapters in an adult voice thinking back on her childhood. The time jump between each of the chapters needs to be made more clear and honestly, I'm not sure it works? If most of your book is set in a specific time, the past accident and the aftermath would be better conveyed through flashbacks or context clues talking about the past.


Name: MoonlightReira
Book: The Alpha's Cat

Review: Some parts can come off as a bit juvenile (such as the math part). I don,t feel like some of the information provided is necessary to the story's development and using narration to communicate a character's personality feels more impersonal and ineffective. Does the math class scene contribute to your story? I think you could have started with the castes (beasts, pops, mortals), especially since the shift from normal math class to the caste system felt a little abrupt. I loved the ideas though, your story is very different, creative, and unique, and I think you elaborate more on the caste system (is there a backstory tied to it/does she want to abolish it/why is it relevant to the story?) Some phrasing is awkward. For example, instead of 'A familiar guy known as Trevor' write "Sitting there, at our table, was none other than Trevor, someone all of us were familiar with. Taylor had briefly dated him last year."

Some slight plot holes that can add to reader confusion. Cat's best friends are all of a different caste than her, is this allowed/conventional? Why is Blake eating at their house? That's what I was wondering through the entire scene? I thought beasts and mortals didn't mix. I think a good choice would be to clarify early on, or even have Catherine think about why. She just makes a joke about it and proceeds to accept it, which I don't feel like aligns with her values and personality. Does no one know she's a werecat? Why does she need to hide it? What would happen if people discovered her secret? Needs to be clarified. Why does she state she's mortal earlier (are erects and mortals the same thing)? For readers who don't know the terminology, maybe explain what a werecat is early on, along with their powers and shifting abilities.

Character development is excellent, a few characters already have very distinct, memorable, and identifiable personalities. And dialogue (the hardest part of writing!) flows very well and is very engaging. Books set in schools tend to do this: recapping their classes and their interactions. Only include relevant information (certain moments at school) and don't recap what a character is wearing, it tears us out of the story. Builds up the relationship with Blake nicely, leaves us wanting more.


Name: Titania188
Book: Rest in Peace, 300 Year Old Witch

Review: I have yet to see a story so apt in both meaning and tone than this book. I love the title. I thought it was a bit wordy and strange at first. Then I read the book's first few chapters and I am in love with the never-dying witch's story. I can't even imagine what else the book could be called. It's so precise and to the point that its simplicity is its uniqueness. Away from that though, the lore of the story is actually pretty well defined and created. There is preciously little to deter the flow of the story. I think this would be that book that gets people into a genre they aren't familiar with, there is enough here to pay homage to the mythical genre, but new and vibrant tones that create a home for those readers who need more than just one emotion in a story.

CONGRATULATIONS, please PM us to redeem your rewards.

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