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Stepping off a plane was always a good feeling. The feeling of having ground at your feet and the ability to smell fresh air, instead of the stale recycled air that fills the cabin. Being home was something Jade always looked forward to every time she went away. As she made her way through the terminal, she looked out for her fiancé, only to find him not there in the crowd of people. It wasn't overly busy in the terminal considering the time of day, Jade thought maybe she missed him in her rush to set eyes on him.

However, as she glanced through the crowd again her fiancé was nowhere in sight as he promised he would be. Disappointed Jade sighed thinking maybe he was stuck in traffic, so she got comfortable and watched all the other soldiers reunite with family and loved ones.

It was always a touching sight when a soldier saw their child for the first time, or the first time seeing their woman pregnant. It always warmed Jade's heart when she got to see her comrade's safe in the arms of their family after coming back from a campaign. She was normally a part of that, but she tried not to let it bother her.

As the crowds thinned out, she realised she had been waiting just over three hours and no one had come for her. Rubbing her hands over her face she thought maybe she had gotten her days wrong, but Jade had a fine attention to detail and knew that wasn't to the case.

"Corporal!" Jade turned around to see her commanding officer walking towards her.

"Sir." She stood to attention before standing at ease when she was directed.

"Jennings is someone coming to pick you up?" Jade looked out to see if her fiancé had arrived yet and grew angry when she saw that he still hadn't arrived. She knew the moment she got home she would wring his neck for forgetting to come to pick her up.

"My fiancé was meant to pick me up Sir, but it seems he has forgotten we returned today." Her commanding officer looked at her with weary eyes before nodding his head.

"Do you need me to make transportation arrangements for you corporal?" Jade shook her head knowing she had enough money to catch a taxi home.

"No, Sir it is fine. I have enough money to catch a taxi home." Her commanding officer watched her for a few seconds before dismissing her to go home. Slumping her shoulders, she grabbed her bag off the floor throwing it over her shoulder as she exited the airport.

It was easy to flag down a cab when she was in her uniform and the driver got out and helped her put her only bag into the trunk of the car. She gave the driver her address and got comfortable for the hour drive from the airport to her home. The second most exciting thing when returning from home after seeing your loved ones was the comfort of your own shower and bed.

When they arrived in her street, she looked at her phone and saw it was just after lunchtime meaning her fiancé should still have been at work so it surprised her when she saw his car in the driveway. She gave the cab driver money for the trip and grabbed her bag from the back. She walked up the steps to her apartment with a smile on her face thinking maybe he was waiting for a surprise. She had been on the tour for 4 months and she was glad to be home again. Though it was considered a short tour it felt way too long for Jade's liking. She walked to the front door and found it strange that someone unlocked the front door.

Pushing it aside she stepped into her home and dumped her bag on the floor. She also found it strange that the house was quiet, so she walked around trying to find her fiancé. Before making her way upstairs thinking he was asleep, she grabbed a glass from the fridge filling it with water taking a sip before venturing upstairs. She walked up into their room and opened the door and was not prepared for what she saw.

The glass fell from her hand smashing on the floor gaining the attention of the naked couple on her bed.

"Shit." She watched as her fiancé got off the naked woman and tried to find something to get dressed in. It also didn't escape her attention to the white lines that were sitting on the bedside table with what she assumed was their joint credit card. When he tried to step towards her, she took a step back shaking her head.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She said causing her fiancé to stop. If Jade thought she was angry before she was downright furious now.

"How long has this been going on?" She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest burring her hurt for another day. She may be a woman, but she is an army woman meaning she knew how to kick ass and hide her true emotions when needed.

"Come on baby, it's not what it looks like." Her fiancé pleaded as she rolled her eyes.

"Really, so you were not just fucking that woman on our bed." Her fiancé looked back to the naked woman who was now hiding under the covers.

"Baby please I didn't mean to, you were just gone for so long and I needed someone here." Jade couldn't believe what she was hearing. Shaking her head, she walked downstairs with her fiancé chasing after her.

"Baby please, don't leave we can work this out." She shook her head and turned around to face to scum.

"How long has this been going on? Since I first went away 5 years ago?" He fiancé looked away, and she got all the answers she needed.

"You know what you can have all the women you like. Don't forget to clean up your coke while you are at it." She took her engagement ring off her finger and threw it at his head hard it surprised her it didn't indent his forehead. She knew she would break any minute, so she quickly picked up her bag and left.

"Jade wait." He called after her as she opened the door and slammed it on his face. Jade didn't know what to do, she was hurting and didn't want to be alone. She walked down the street until it started raining. Sighing, she found the local café and went inside ignoring the looks of people in the shop.

"Hi, can I get a long black." The lady behind the counter smiled at her and she pulled out her card. However, luck wasn't on her side as the card kept declining.

"Miss, I am sorry, but it is saying they have frozen your credit card." Not wanting to think about it she pulled out money, but the women shook her head.

"Don't worry about it, dear. It is on the house. It is the least I can do for someone who serves our country." Jade looked at the woman with grateful eyes as she grabbed her coffee and sat down. When she took her seat and took out her brown hair and sighed before ringing the bank to see what was wrong.

After she got off to the bank, she wanted to kill her ex-fiancé. Not only did he cheat on her he used all her money to buy fucking gifts for his fucking lovers and had racked up quite a debt in what she could only assume was drugs and prostitutes. With nowhere to go and no money, she rang the one person she never thought she would ring for help. The one person she promised she would never go crawling back to for help, but despite all the bullshit, she put her through she had no other choice.

"Hi, Mum can you please come and get me." She hung up the phone as quickly as she answered and texted her mother her addresses. As she waited for her mother AKA the devil to arrive, Jade, let open her emotional dam and though she didn't cry her heart was crying on the inside for the man she once loved was no longer the man she knew. That day she vowed never again would she let a man use her ever again.

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