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The house became quiet without Addie and Dylan running around. Without realizing, Jeanette began missing them. But she knew wallowing wasn't going to bring them back, so she went about her days just like any other. She picked her head up and walked.

She was working on paperwork in the library when she felt a familiar presence taking the seat across from her. Looking up, she found Jonathan smiling and was about to pull out his work when the fire alarm went off, making both of them flinch briefly.

"It's barely 8 and there's already a drill," Jonathan mumbled.

Getting up with Jeanette, they followed the small crowd of students down the stairs, silent to their librarian's orders. They emerged with other complaining students, standing outside in the scorching sun. Jonathan glanced at Jeanette who was silent, arms across her chest; just the sight was enough to take his breath away. If anything, he was grateful to be stuck outside with her. But he didn't know how long it would be, as minutes passed.

"Well, it looks like we're stuck out here for a while." A teacher got their attention as firetrucks and police cars sounded their sirens. "Something is up with the boiler room, so find some shade."

At the information, Jeanette wordlessly followed her advice and walked to a place with shade, Jonathan following close behind. Looking so closely as Jeanette brought back the memories of her breathtakingly sweet smile at the game. She had looked so angelic, so soft, so vulnerable, so... beautiful. Jonathan came to the wild conclusion that he wanted to one day be the one behind that smile, the one digging those dimples deep.

He didn't realize how much he was staring until Jeanette peered her eyes at him.

The sight of Jonathan's eyes on her made Jeanette's stomach flutter. She felt her breath hitch in her throat, how all his attention was on her. Unease settled within her, she never had someone pay that much attention at her. It was unsettling and uncomfortable how much her life was changing by the second. Just a few months ago, she was strolling through her life alone, nobody to talk to because she simply didn't want to make disappointing bonds, she thought she'd learn how much and how easily people change. But now, she had people to talk to, people that made her want to smile, people that burned their way to her heart, people she was not afraid to lose. 

"You're beautiful."

Really, she wondered how this time things would unfold, but she hoped nothing of that sort would happen. She was growing attached to these people, and although it was smart if she just pushed them aside, she didn't want to.

Jeanette's eyes raised as she felt her breath stutter in her throat. "What?" The words were soft spoken.

Jonathan didn't stutter, nor did he hesitate. "I said you're beautiful. And you're smart, and kind."

"Kind?" She was anything but kind.

"Yes," Jonathan laughed, and Jeanette realized that it was a sound she could easily get used to. It sounded like music to her ears. "I've seen the way you act with Dylan, and while it's adorable, it's you being kind."

Jeanette didn't know what to reply to that, so she just hummed and hugged her body, holding herself close. An hour passed with the students not allowed inside the school, and of course, some students took it upon themselves to leave. Jonathan laughed while pointing it out to Jeanette who just snorted. They soon sat down, and Jeanette got a message from Daisy updating her status, claiming she was happily stuck with Lay. The brunette chuckled, shaking her head, and missing the way Jonathan's face softened up.

"Can I get your number?" He asked, almost too quick, before she could put her phone away.

Jeanette blinked and nodded mutelessly. The beam on Jonathan's face made her heart skip a beat. The teen boy called himself to put her number in his contact, and gleefully gave the phone back to its owner.


"Call me whenever you want. But you should expect me to text whenever too," he grinned. 

Jeanette could only nod at his wide grin.

Half an hour later, the students were gathered together, listening to their principal thanking them for their cooperation. Afterwards, the stairs were filled with bodies and bodies of students, chattering away. Jeanette didn't know why, but deep down, she didn't want to leave Jonathan's side when he waved her away, leaving for his class. She just shook the unfamiliar feeling away and went her way.

The whole day, though, Jonathan flooded her mind. The way he gazed at her like she was the only girl outside, with softness in his chocolate eyes. How his grin widened when he called her beautiful. But... she was anything but beautiful. And kind? Jeanette Carson did not go with the word 'kind'. If anything, Jeanette was confused with his actions.

When she got home from work at around 9 PM, she was surprised to see her mother sprawled on the couch, papers on her chest as she slept. The teen sighed and walked over, taking the papers off of her, watching her stir but not waking up. She wondered whether she should wake her, but decided against it and just prompted to making her as comfortable as can be.


After that day at the fire drill, Jeanette had been running into Jonathan more than often. In the hallways, they ran into each other and Jeanette always tripped over his wide grin. She saw him in the store she worked at, often with Elijah, but mostly, by himself. Jonathan never bothered her by saying irrelevant things to her, he just greeted her with his wide smile, and shopped.

Jeanette was reaching on the shelves for some cut out cantaloupes when she heard a voice all too familiar to her voice speak out to her. 


She turned and was met with the man that clouded her thoughts too much those days. Jonathan was in his uniform, apron around his waist as he smiled. "Hi."

"You haven't been coming to soccer these days. Is something wrong?"

"No," She shook her head as they started walking and before she knew it, she was by his side as he placed items on the shelves. "I was just watching him for that week."

A frown painted his face. "So, you're not coming anymore? Dylan seemed really happy with you." So was I, went unadded.

"I don't know," she shrugged. Jonathan looked up at her and nodded slowly, getting back to his work.

"Well, I should let you get back to your shopping." He pointed his head to her cart.

Jeanette nodded and after a moment of hesitating, went to her cart and was about to walk away when she suddenly stopped, giving him a look. "I'll probably come when I can."

The way Jonathan's face softened up was enough for Jeanette who let out a small smile. The trip back to her house was much easier, with her smiling at just the thought of Jonathan's grin. She caught herself, slapping her thigh slightly, bringing her back to her moods. 

They started talking more, whenever they could. The first time Jonathan texted Jeanette was one day he would never forget.

He had missed her terribly although they'd seen each other hours before. Jeanette had been surrounded by her friends, so the whole day he never got the chance to speak to her. He would've never thought not talking to someone for just one day could make his head go haywires. So, while clocking out of his job, he took the jump and texted her.


It took Jeanette a couple moments until she texted back. She wasn't used to someone other than Daisy and Jack texting her, and she was aware of how busy they were so she wasn't expecting it. The way her eyes widened when she saw it was Jonathan was inhumane as she put her pen down and texted back.

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