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Nicole  Jackson  POV  as long I can remember   me n my father  always  been  close  having  two  super stars as parents  were alot of fun  at times  am the middle child sometimes  u get overlooked  but wit our father  that wasn't  the case  he was alot of fun to be around   I hate how later  on how the world  treated  my father   he never  miss treated  a child  he always  made sure  that we  had normal  life  as  kids were would  always  be at Neverland  ranch  that place  brings  good n bad memories   he never  had a chance  to have normal  childhood   growing up in gray  Indiana   he became   famous  at young  age  wit  his brothers  my uncles   as the Jackson  5  I remember  he told me he saw things that a kid should  not see  but he always  give my grandfather  credit  for  it  he  was a very shy person   wen  I became  older  I get go on tour  wit him  we had all of our  moments   my parents  were loving to each other   comeing  from a big family  the mills n the Jackson family    I always  remember  Christmas  wit  my mom side of the family  it was great    grandma  Katie was such a sweet  woman  always  cooked for the family    we would  always  sing for the family   but never  just known as     Michael Jackson  daughter  all my life  my music  was more  r&b  & hip hop   now  demtia  was a triple  theat sing dancing   we were all   sad wen he died.

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