A Change In Perspective

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My name is Adam; Adamus Sutekh. 
In the beginning, I was just like them. 
- a Mogadorian. 
Determined to conquer; to win. 

Until we found Number One. 
I watched her die, twice in fact. 
- and that's when I realized, 
The Great Book taught us only lies. 

I became a lab rat. 
A hasty experiment. 
But I saved Malcolm Goode 
- who was like a father to me. 

My own father tried to kill me. 
- so did Ivanick. 
And especially Phiri Dun-Ra. 
Yet I am still here. 

I was gifted a legacy for a reason. 
To change my people's ways. 
One trusted me to use it well. 
I won't let her down. 

A Collection of Poems: Lorien Legacies EditionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat