Foiled escape

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Zephyr has slowly awoken, finding himself in pure bliss. The soft mattress he was lying on, the warm and fluffy cover he was entangled in... things were just perfect. A little too perfect.

His thoughts were all over the place, whizzing in his head, mixing with the morning haze.

Slowly and reluctantly, Zephyr uncovered his face. He blinked, closed his eyes, and blinked again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and its curtains, blinding the boy. He sat up, dragged his feet off the bed, and rubbed his knuckles onto his eyes. He stretched his arms above his head and yawned.

As he looked around, Zephyr found himself in a beautiful wooden, maybe even little Japanese  styled bedroom. It was a great update when looking back to the cold and damp warehouse floors.

Exactly the place he would be right now if he wasn't kidnapped. Zephyr looked around again, but his surroundings didn't reveal any new information. He stumbled to the window, brushed the curtains to the sides and peeked outside.

Beautiful forest landscape unfolded before his eyes. Tall pine trees stood in his view, covering everything, even the sky, letting only few streaks of light pass through.

The forest would provide him with great cover if he attempted an escape. He could even run away now, it didn't seem like someone was watching him at the moment. He could slip out and no one would know.

Except if they find him. Would would they do to their kidnapping victim, or prisoner if they caught him? Probably nothing good.

Zephyr was weighing his options as he was staring out of the window, head propped on his palms. There were no people outside visible from his spot.

'Should I risk it?' The boy thought to himself, playing through different scenarios in his head. Some were good, some were bad.

Another obstacle in the boy's way was his location. He had no idea where he was. Roughly guessing, it was more on the north side of the globe, considering the cold breeze that snuck in through cracks in the wood and the vegetation.

For all he knew, he could be standing in a forest hundreds or square miles big and if lucky, not. He could take the chance and run, but he knew nearly nothing about his kidnappers. With their anti-ghost weaponry, he sure would be here, back at the square one if he got caught.

Closing his eyes, Zephyr focused his mind and listened to everything around himself. There was no presence near him, as if they wanted him to escape. This thought only brought uneasiness you the boy.

What if all of this was a test, what if his choice was a mere tactic to figure out what to do with him? If he was fit for keeping or not.

After making the decision that waiting wouldn't bring results, Zephyr turned intangible and flew through the window. Utter confusion flashed across his face as he realized something.

He still had his powers

Who would let a powered prisoner with dozens of escape possibilities roam freely?

Yet again, only someone who planned few steps ahead. This dilemma brought the boy back to the ground. He seated himself on the rim of the window, watching the land in front of him.

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