More than just a body Dwalin x reader

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Pairing: Dwalin x Reader

Song: Jordan Suaste - Body

Warnings: Angst. Self doubts. Alluding to smut.

AN: Bit of a vent? Just a little something I had to get off of my chest is all. Sorry that its short but I do hope some of you enjoy it. Im fine. Don't worry.

Its when his hands are on my hips I feel most at home. With his lips on mine as I cry out my song to the heavens above. How do I explain to you that this is the safest I have ever felt in my life?

That my anxieties are only quelled as you whisper your love to my tired soul.

I have watched you tear men apart with those hands. Those same hands that wrap themselves so gently around my wrists and pin them to the bed above me. That it is the only way you can get me to bare my self doubt to you. Your lips lay praise along my neck and down my chest. Taking away all of my insecurities.

How many times have you laid me down like this? How many more times before had you patiently waited for me to lay down my walls?

Oh god. How long had I wallowed in my self doubts? When I thought it mattered how I looked for someone to love me? When I thought no one would want a woman whose thighs moved as she walked. Whose stomach was rounded and soft. A woman's whose hips bore than just the scars of growth.

I still wonder how it is you love me. How you fell for me.

You whisper it each night on your knees. Laying down prayers upon my thighs that tremble in anticipation of what is to come. You tell me that your love for me is endless. That it is as long lasting as there are stars in the sky.

You have told me time and time again that nothing could happen to me that would make you love me less. But at times I still find myself counting stars just to be sure.

What is it that you love about me. What is it that makes you come back again and again.

Is it my heart? You have told me that you love its song. That you smile each time I make room for just one more in my overfilling arms. It can't be my voice. For I can't carry a tune to save my life. But when you speak to me its to keep me calling out to you. It's as if you fear going deaf and wish to hear my voice as your last song.

You have told me I am more than my body. That I do not have to seek love physically. That I don't need to douse the burning in my soul in the arms of another. That it isn't only my looks that should be the deciding factor of my loves worth.

"If that was the case" You had told me. "Then you should have never fallen for me." Oh how quick I was to tell you otherwise. That any Dam would be a fool not to fall for you. You with your quick wit and to caring heart. You love with the intensity of a burning sun. I was so worried with telling you your own worth you could only look at me with the saddest eyes.

"Lass. How is it that you are determined to tell others that their worth is more than their body. That they are more than what others decide. That you can't preach that same love to yourself."

It left me breathless. How can I tell you that I don't. That I can't seem to love myself.

That I don't want someone else to look into a mirror with glazed eyes trying to find one shred of self love.

Still my words stick as you press your lips to mine. And you know.

You know that I can't find my love. So you give me yours. In hope that I can search for mine. That I can see what you see. And sometimes I do.

In the delicate dance of my hands as I press pen to paper. In the creativity of my mind as I draw out worlds only I can see. Its in my heart. My abused and bleeding heart as I let one more in. One more person take my love so they can love themselves.

Its when you lay with me I fell my safest. Its the only time I can tear down my walls. The only time I can speak to you my love without the fear or rejection or laughter. Its in the throws of passion that I find myself loving us a little bit more. That I find myself loving me a little bit more. For how can I not when you speak such sweet words. Words you save only for me.

That I am more than just my body.

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