Chapter 1: The Clan

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Several months ago.


"Hey, old man!!"

In front of a wooden cottage house, a man in his late twenties yelled.

"You bastard, Jon Bane, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Elder Peri Chou?" shouted Elder Chou angrily.

"Alright! alright! Elder Chou," Jon Bane said boldly as he entered the house and quickly expressed his worry. "Elder Chou, I intend to leave our clan and travel around the world."

When Elder Chou heard this, he frowned and stated, "Jon Bane, you are one of the guardians of this clan. If other clans learn of this, they will target you because they know you are alone."

"Elder Chou, I've been training here for almost 25 years, I'm already at the peak of my martial art skills, I'm also one of the strongest members of this clan, and you're pretty much aware of my tokugi(special skill), which makes me almost unkillable," Jon Bane boasted.

The Bolo Clan follows the Law of Equivalent Exchange when it comes to tokugi, which asserts that "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return; to obtain, something of equal value must be lost."

*For Jon Bane's tokugi, the thing that he has lost since birth is his emotions.*

While he and Elder Chou are conversing, a blitzing Dagger is thrown directly to him. The incoming dagger is easily avoided by Jon Bane's body.

"So what I've heard about you is true, you can dodge any incoming attacks, and your facial expression doesn't even show any signs of emotion." Three meters away, a female in a black hoodie emerged out of nowhere.

"Who are you? I'm telling you that if you're going to fight against me, you don't stand a chance," Jon Bane stated, taking a fighting position.

"How dare you start a fight with a beautiful girl like me, but if you insist, fine," she retorted angrily.

After a brief second, the female withdrew from Jon Bane's sight and was about to launch a surprise attack on his back. When Elder Chou saw this turn of events, he yelled fiercely, "Rica stop!!!!!!"

The female emerged behind Jon Bane and was about to stab him. Despite the circumstances, Jon Bane maintained his cool and questioned Elder Chou, "Hey! Elder Chou, you know this girl?"

The girl stepped beside Elder Chou and added, "Of course, he knows me, I'm his beautiful granddaughter," she said firmly, emphasizing the word beautiful.

"Yes, she is Rica Chou, My Granddaughter; she does not live in Bolo Mountain, so you are unfamiliar with her," Elder Chou explained.

"Based on her aura, it appears that her martial art skills are already at the early stage of red level; how did she achieve this level if she is not training here in Bolo Mountain?" said Jon Bane.

*In the field of martial arts, the rankings are as follows:
The levels are white, blue, purple, brown, black, red, and the highest level is the guardian level martial artist*.

"Like you, her father is a guardian level martial artist who trains her on a daily basis. Well, her father left our clan a long time ago to marry someone in Gadon City; and the fruit of that marriage is Rica. I am quite disappointed in her father because I expected him to take over my position here in our clan, but he told me that he doesn't want to spend his lifetime protecting this clan and that he wants to live a life free of responsibilities." gloomily narrated by Elder Chou

His granddaughter got concerned and attempted to calm him. "Don't worry, grandpa; I will fulfill my father's obligation to this clan, and I guarantee it."

When Jon Bane noticed a typical conversation turning into a drama, he interrupted them and sarcastically exclaimed, "This scene is really heartbreaking, I'm about to cry."

Rica was enraged by Jon Bane's caustic remark. "How dare you make fun of us, do you really want to die?"

"An emotional brat like you would kill someone?, how ironic, I bet you haven't killed anyone yet." Jon Bane commented

Rica felt a wave of resentment towards him. "You're right, I haven't killed anyone yet, but with you bothering me, I'm about to have my first kill."

When Elder Chou saw the two arguing again, he moved his fist and fiercely punched the ground. The elder's punch caused an earthquake, causing the two to come to a halt. "Both of you will be the future of this clan, so stop this nonsense fighting," the elder said.

Jon Bane turned his back to Elder Chou and said, "Future of this clan?, maybe she is, but not me. If her father can leave this clan, why can't I?, I want to leave this clan to explore the world, unlike her father who abandoned this clan for a stupid reason."

Rica reacted angrily to Jon Bane's careless statement, saying, "You call marrying the love of your life and spending a lifetime with your 'the one' a stupid reason? Oh right! I forgot, you've lost all of your emotions since you were a child, so what do I expect from you?"

Elder Chou noticed Rica's reaction to Jon Bane's statement and said, "We need to find his naosu to bring back all of his lost emotions."

Rica was confronted by her granddad. "But his naosu will cancel his tokugi, right?" she asked Elder Chou quietly.

"That's one of the reasons why I need to leave," Jon Bane overheard their chat. "To find my naosu and obliterate its existence in the world."

Elder Chou passed by him and replied," The fukusayo (side effect) of our tokugi is equivalent to a virus in our body. Your naosu will be based on the severity of it. If your naosu is just a herb or a plant, then all we need to do is make a juice out of it and drink it everyday, if you stop drinking it then your tokugi together with the side effect will come back. If your naosu is a place, then our tokugi and its side effect will not take effect in that given land; if the naosu is an object, then it will negate the effect of our tokugi and its side effect as long as it is with you."

Jon Bane nodded and asked, " What if my naosu is a person?"

Elder Chou dreaded this conversation since the severity of Jon Bane's tokugi's adverse effect increased the likelihood that his naosu would be a human being. "If the naosu is really a person, then getting closer to him or her will negate your tokugi as well as its side effect," the Elder stated, taking a big breath.

Jon Bane became more serious and concluded that if he kills that person, his tokugi would be with him forever. "I've had enough of this conversation; I have to leave now," Jon Bane remarked quickly.

Elder Chou fell silent for a minute, realizing there was nothing that could stop Jon Bane, and then said, "Fine, I'll let you go, but do me a favor first: bring this herb to Mr. Nabi of Nabi Corporation in Gadon City, and then you can do whatever you want."

Jon Bane gave him a nod. "All right, consider it done, and I'll get going."

He was about to depart when he stopped and asked Elder Chou a question. "Which way is to Gadon City?"

Elder Chou became aware that this would be his first time going to the cities. He patted Rica on the shoulder and requested that she accompany Jon Bane to the city.

Rica lives in the city, therefore she is familiar with the city's nooks and crannies. In fact, she can go alone to the metropolis and be there in a day if she goes straight north. Despite the presence of hostile clans, they are unable to discover Rica due to her tokugi, which is invisibility.

However, because Jon Bane will be accompanying her, they must find a safer way for both of them. Elder Chou suggested they take the northeast path to escape the opposing clan. Despite the fact that this safer path will take them three or more days, it is better to be careful than sorry.

They packed all their things needed for the journey and headed to the first mountain they will travel.

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