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My head began to pound as my body shifted underneath the covers, tossing and turning it felt like the room was on fire from how hot it felt.
I sat up fast but the room wasn't mine.
I was drenched in sweat looking around but could hear absolutely nothing around me.
The last thing I remembered was Lucifer talking about the bomb inside me.
Getting out the bed I felt rude sleeping in a room that wasn't mine.
I cried out hearing a loud ringing sound echoing inside my head as I dropped to my knees clutching the sides of my head before the sound of screaming over took the ringing sound.

I looked around and could hear shouting and many people yelling in either fear or anger.
Getting to my feet I ran out of the room to only be greeted with the outside.
It was like the town itself was engulfed in flames as people fought on the street, there were lifeless bodies all around me and I knew I should be relieved this was only a dream, but it felt like it was more than that.

"Please stop fighting!" I cried out trying not to inhale the smoke from the flames as I coughed grabbing at people but they ignored me, continuing to fight like I wasn't even there.
"Stop it!" I screamed and it felt like the town shattered like glass all around me before I was in an alley where this demon was.
He was unarmed and just minding his own business, it looked like he was on his way home until two angels dropped to the ground and they started attacking the other.
I stood there in disbelief as my eyes grew wide hearing the demon begging for someone to help him.
He had no intentions of fighting these guys.

"Stop it, you're killing him!" I screamed but I stepped back hearing the sound of the demons neck snapping.
The two angels stood to their feet both their eyes white as they pointed at me.
"It's your fault."
"You're to blame."
"You killed this demon."
"How could you kill someone so innocent?"
"He wasn't even armed."

People started walking into the alley all pointing and repeating the same thing these guys were saying.
All of their eyes were either black or white, demons and angels both pointing at me as they repeated everything they heard.

I went to run but only came to a stop as my heart pounded hard against my chest at who stood in front of me.
Both my parents.
Samuel and Vanessa.
They were the only one with their eyes looking normal but they didn't look pleased seeing me.

"What have you done, Cody?" My mom asked me and everything ached painfully.
"Dating a demon? Our enemy? This whole fight is your fault, lives are being lost because of your selfish act." She spat angrily.
"We died protecting you and this is how you repay us?" She demanded.
I stepped back shaking my head.
"No, that's not it-"
"I can't even begin with how disappointed we are in you Cody." My dad spoke up with his arms crossed.
"You're so selfish." 
"Stop saying that!" I cried out as the scene shattered again and this time it felt like I was in a basement.

"It's simple, all I have to do is convince the poor idiot to cleanse his blood where he thinks he's an angel."
That sounded like.
I walked further into the room but stopped as she stood near a guy with his arms crossed.
I didn't recognize him.
"Demons are pretty easy to fool." He agreed.
"But would he really believe you?" He questioned as she smiled.
"He's in love with me of course he'll believe me." She shrugged.

"So when do we kill him exactly?" The other questioned as my eyes burned with rage.
This is a lie.
There's no way she'd kill her husband.
My dad.
I walked up closer to the two.

"Five years after our child is born-"
"You're pregnant?"
"I am." She smiled rolling her eyes as she turned to the other.
"But that won't stop me from killing him, he believes the child is his so we'll just put the blame on the demons, no one usually objects when they're blamed because its believable. Demons are monsters and if the angels think demons killed Samuel and I, another war will happen, it's just that simple." She shrugged walking up to the one I didn't recognize.
He was tall with ear length black hair and cold hazel eyes.
"And how do I know you won't turn on me yourself with this plan of yours?" He asked her.
"Because you're the one I will ever love." She smiled kissing the other.
"Even though I am also a demon?"
"Jensen I am trusting you with this plan, as soon as the kid is born, you will send Seraph to kill Samuel and Essence will kill me." She quoted with her fingers looking at the other.

Jensen seemed hesitant but nodded.
"If it's a war you want, it's a war you'll get. Samuel will die at Seraph's hands and the kid will remain unharmed until he's old enough to be used as a weapon."
"And then of course, he'll be killed." Vanessa smiled before her eyes fell on me and I stood there trembling before I let out a pained scream at the feeling of my body swelling and just like Lucifer explained.
A dark bloody red aura consumed me before I felt it shoot itself off me destroying everything.

"No!" I screamed sitting up in bed everything felt like it was on fire.

It felt like my head was trying to crack open as this pain echoed through my body as I screamed in pain.

"Run some cold water!"
I clutched the sides of my head screaming and just the feeling of someone touching me felt like they engulfed the flames as I screamed louder crying as the tears burned rolling down my cheeks.
But the pain immediately vanished as my breathing became more under control as I sat in a tub full of ice cold water.

I slowly blinked as the pain vanished and my eyes met everyone's in the room.
"I'm sorry." I frowned and my mom was at my side caressing my cheek.
"Baby you were screaming like someone was killing you, you have no reason to apologize." She told me and her own eyes were burning with tears full of concern.
"What happened?" She asked me.
I inhaled slowly before staring at the water.

"A nightmare.. everything felt so real." I frowned before looking to Lucifer who was in the room with everyone else.
"It was an act." I said as Lucifer arched a brow.
"What was?"
"My mom's love for my dad, she never loved him. She put on this.. this show convincing him she did and made him believe his blood was cleansed. She killed him." The tears slipped and everything ached painfully again.

"That doesn't make any sense, your mom loved your dad-"
"No." I shook my head.
"These dreams I've been having.. they're like visions from the past, showing me things behind the scenes of whats really going on.. and my mom.. she was a monster, she had another lover." I looked at them.
"Did any of you know a, Jensen?"
Both my parents looked alarmed before looking to Lucifer who's arms were crossed.

"He was one of my guards actually but I fired him for fighting with my other guards and abusing the newer ones, he was too much to handle and I didn't have the time to deal with him." He explained.
I nibbled my lip as I looked back at him.
"I think..I think he was my biological father, not Samuel, I think Vanessa had him believe I was his son when in reality, I was Jensen's." I frowned.
"If you were Jensen's son all of this would make more sense given the fact cleansing a demons soul sounded remotely impossible, but angels just make up lies as long as they go." Lucifer came up to the tub handing me a towel.

"But if you're his son and Vanessa is your mom, then that would make you one hundred percent a nephalem, no questions asked." He looked to my parents.
"What else did your dream vision reveal?" He asked me.
I thought for a minute.
"Two angels attacked a defenseless demon and blamed me for it, um.. my mom never really loved Samuel, her true lover was Jensen, also a demon.." My blood chilled me to the bone.
"The goal is to start a war and once I've been used as the weapon on which ever side, I'm supposed..." I slowed my words down as everything began to dawn on me.
"You're supposed..? You're supposed to what, baby?" I heard my mom question.

My eyes met hers then everyone else who was present.
"I'm supposed to be killed." I said and I felt sick even announcing it.
My mom looked like she was fixing to break down.
"What would killing you do?" I looked to Styx who's brows were knitted.
"I have no idea." I shrugged before I used the towel I was handed to dry off with, Hannibal stood in front of me and I hesitated on taking his offered hand but finally I did as I stepped out of the cold water and wrapped it around me in attempt to dry off.

"But Vanessa made it seem like it was something that had to be done-"
"Well it won't be done." I looked to my mom who looked angry at me.
"No one is killing you just like no one is using you as their weapon in this war, if they can't win without cheating, then they're cowards." She spat.
I looked to Lucifer who seemed a little offended but didn't object as she stood there with crossed arms.
"Well you just offended the whole angel base in heaven then." Ozzie told her as she frowned in his direction.
"Good I want them to be offended because no one is using your brother like some tool." Her eyes fell back on me.

"Do you want something dry to wear?" I heard Della question as I looked at her before nodding.
Her eyes fell on Kipper.
"Why don't you bring him-"
"My clothes won't fit him." Kipper cut her off and I nodded.
"It's true he's smaller than me." I rubbed my neck as Maverick glanced to me.
"Guess that's up to one of us to offer him clothes." He went to walk off but Hannibal took my hand ignoring any looks someone might be giving us before walking us out of the bathroom and into his old room.

"It feels like this is just getting messier by the minute." Hannibal commented as I pulled my shirt over my head to put one of his on instead.
"It really is so I'm sorry you decided to like me for whatever reasons, I had no intentions of dragging you into this." I frowned.
"I didn't decide on anything Cody." He sounded annoyed.
"I knew I liked you and I went for it, if I decided on liking you, we wouldn't be where we are." He came up to me his arms crossed as I looked at him frowning.
"Yeah and ever since we came out to Kipper, it feels like I'm losing him, he's been acting off and it's stressing me out. I told you I didn't want to lose anyone when it came to us dating, Hannibal." I frowned.

"What are you suggesting?"
"Nothing." I looked away flushed and confused.
"I just don't like how everything is shifting in such a negative way, I liked it better being oblivious and not having these dreams where my mom is some evil angel and Samuel isn't my dad, but this Jensen guy is." I looked back at him with knitted brows.
"You know I like you Hannibal, I'm just stressing over this and then what happened with Umbriel is still haunting me." I confessed pulling the sweats up even though they were a little bigger than I'd like them to be, but thankfully the strings were there to back me up for hip support.

"Cody, we've been through this. Umbriel will be fine-"
"But what if he isn't?" I demanded.
"I'm sorry, I'm tired." I frowned.
"Not physically tired but mentally," I nibbled my lip.
"I just want things to be normal, not only for everyone around me, but for us." I took his hands looking at him frowning.
"I want to be able to kiss you in public or at least show the world I'm dating Lucifer's son, something to be proud of.. and yeah I'm grateful everything is still okay with us, and no one hates me for this, I just want more.. so I guess that does make me selfish-"

"And that's perfectly okay to be selfish, Cody." Hannibal squeezed my hands looking at me.
"You can be as selfish as you want with me-"
"But it's such a terrible time to be selfish Hannibal, if there really is a war fixing to happen, I can't be selfish. I have to be focused and I have to be prepared without any distractions." I told him.
His brows knitted.
My eyes burned as I looked at him.
"Maybe it's for the best that we stop dating for a while-"
"No no no." Hannibal shook his head fast grabbing my shoulders.
"Don't take that route Cody that route lands you in nothing but trouble, don't end this just because you're scared. Fuck I'm scared but I wouldn't end things because of that, don't do this." He told me and everything ached.

"I don't want to put anyone in danger over being selfish Hannibal-"
"You won't-"
"You don't know that!" I yelled as my eyes burned.
"I have no idea what's in store for us with any of this going on! And if I date you right now, I'm scared I'll get too distracted and I-"
My heart skipped feeling his lips on mine as he held me firmly by the shoulders.
"I won't let you get distracted so please I am begging you, don't end this with us." He held onto me as I looked at him.
"Please, I can't lose you." He placed his forehead on my shoulder holding me.
"I refuse to lose you over this so don't let this go, okay?" He sounded so broken and bothered by the idea of this ending.
I still never understood why he was so desperate to be with me.

"Are you dating me because I'm a nephalem?" I asked out of nowhere and he stepped back looking at me with his brows furrowed.
I stared at him.
"Are you dating-"
"No I heard you perfectly clear the first time, but why would you ask me that? Up until last week I didn't even know you were a nephalem, I mean your aura was weird but I thought some angels were different." He frowned deeply at me.
I frowned at him.
"Then why are you dating me, Hannibal? If it's not because of that, then why? What are you gaining by dating me?" I asked him.
"Why are you pushing me away?"
"Why are you avoiding the question?" I frowned.
He stepped back.
"I'm dating you because I liked you, I thought it was pretty fucking obvious back at my house, I've liked you for a while now and-"
"But why this year? Why did you suddenly have the guts to tell me?" I questioned.
"Hannibal I am just trying to understand-"
"Why do you have to understand my feelings for you?" He growled glaring now.
"Why can't you be happy that we're dating and that at least someone wants to be with you?" He shot.

I stood there wide eyes as his own grew wide.
"It's fine." I said tightly rubbing my neck as I looked at him.
"I'm going to get my family and we're going to go home, I think we've been around each other too much today and-"
"Cody I'm sorry okay look-"
"Hannibal." I frowned at him.
"I'm going home for the night, I'll see you in the morning at school." I walked up to him and kissed his cheek hesitating on speaking.
"And about your last sentence, I won't lose sleep over it because even with you pointing it out coldly, someone was desperate enough to date me and that was you." I returned the coldness and stepped back from the other.

"Cody, please wait. Let's start over-"
"No." I turned to him at the door.
"I'll talk to you tomorrow when we've both had some sleep and maybe more collected than we are tonight." I opened the door but gasped when he shut it and pinned me against the door his lips on mine.
"Han--stop!" I shoved him off and my eyes grew wide.
His eyes were black and that wasn't all.
He was crying.

My chest squeezed me painfully as I let go of the door knob I held onto and walked back up to him, my lips pressing to his now.
"We're not breaking up, I'm just going home for the night, we're all tired and we all need sleep. So please," I breathed against his lips.
"Let me go home tonight." I told him.
His brows were knitted but he inhaled sharply before slowly exhaling giving me a nod in response.
"Okay." He licked his lips.
"I'll see you in the morning." He told me.
I nodded kissing him one more time before walking out more easily this time.

"I think its Thursday so all of you kids missed two days of school." Our dad told us walking into the house as I rubbed the side of my arm.
"I'll just make up for it during summer break." I frowned.
My parents looked to me as Ozzie glanced to them then to me frowning.
"Are you okay though?" He asked.
I nodded rubbing my eyes.
"Just tired, at least its midnight, so we can get more than a few hours of sleep." I smiled at them.
My mom finally smiled with a nod.
"Well get some sleep baby, after school tomorrow I'd like for us to talk more about yours and Hannibal's relationship, if that's alright with you." She said.
I nodded in response.
"That's fair, goodnight."

I walked into my room and nearly screamed when I turned the light on.

Umbriel sat on the edge of my bed and he didn't really look like himself.
His skin was paler, there were bruises on his wrists and neck.
He looked skin and bone and what made it worse was the fact his baby blue eyes were solid black before he managed to look up at me.

"Hello, Cody." He greeted me.
I wanted to yell for my parents as I stood there, it felt impossible to breathe.
"Umbriel, what happened to you?" I walked deeper into the room.
He smiled softly and if it wasn't enough to haunt you in your dreams, it would of been nice to see him actually smiling.
But this was a tired smile.

"I was finally released from the prison they stored me in after my tantrum." He cradled his arms and it looked like he had been starved or worse based on how slow he moved like he was sore.
"I came to apologize for reacting how I did." His eyes had no emotion in them as he looked at me.
"But I also came here for a selfish reason." He sounded more serious now.
"What is it?" I asked him.

"I need your help to free me from heaven." He told me.
"How can I be any help? I'm just a kid-"
"Who is a nephalem, if you talk to the Lord, maybe he'll agree to release me." He looked over his shoulder as if he were being watched.
I watched his movements and he frowned.
"They have me on high surveillance, I'm not even supposed to be talking to anyone, but I need out. Please." He looked at me and I frowned.

"What do I need to do?"

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