Chapter 25: Run away

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"Get up!" Someone yelled close to my ear.

Like the first time, I didn't jerk awake. I'd gotten used to this. This was how I had been awakened by the same guy every morning for the past week.

I opened my eyes and sat up from my sleeping position. At this point, I'd gotten used to sleeping on the ground everyday.

For the past two weeks, all I'd done was separate grapes and collect cigarette butts from the main hall of the building. Yes, separate grapes. They made wine here. The wine that Bora had been drinking here was made here. Also these people smoked a lot. And I'd smoked for the first time too.

It had been the third day when I had been busy picking up the cigarette butts and one of the guys had walked up to me and offered me a cigarette. I looked closely at his face but then ended up taking it. And I don't regret it.

I feel like I've gone crazy in the past week. I've been smoking non stop, eating whatever they give and I bathe once in three days. If someone would look at me right now, they'd think I'm psychotic.

And the reason I am here. It was him. Of course. I hadn't seen him yet but I knew that he won't let me go. I was trapped here. I'd panicked during the first week. I'd cried all the time and shouted for them to let me go, but I was shut down by a smack or two. Whenever I said anything, they'd point a gun to my head, but I knew that they wouldn't shoot me. He'd kill them if he found out I was dead. He wanted me alive. He wanted to kill me himself.

The following week, I'd tried to get used to all this. And I'd succeeded. People roaming around with guns, getting beaten up, not having enough food to eat, I'd gotten used to all this. I knew that they won't let me go, unless I do what he wants. And I have no idea what he wants.

But I knew what I had to do. I had to find a way out myself. I'd been keeping track of all the nooks and corners of this building, whenever I was told to go work. I'd figured out a way. I was almost 70% sure of it. It's a very good percent in this situation. I had 70% chance that I'd get out of this building and then find my way back anyhow. But if I get caught, I'll probably die. But I don't care. I can't do what he wants. Even though I don't know what he wants.

I looked to my right and saw the two other girls picking up the cigarette butts. They were looking at me with pitiful eyes and I smirked at them.

I grabbed a cigarette and walked to the fourth floor. I had been given a room. It had nothing but a mirror, which I don't think was needed.

I lit my cigarette and took a long drag. I closed my eyes as I exhaled.

I was going to run away tonight. At 1:30 am. There will be guards, but I'll manage somehow. I sighed as I put the cigarette on the ground.

What have I become? I know being in this situation is not pleasant at all, but what I'm doing with myself is wrong. I've let go of myself. All the effort that Taehyung and the boys had put into making me get a hold of myself, I'd failed all of it. I wasn't exactly broken. I was out of hope. I had no hope of making it out alive. I was ready to kill someone right now, if they came in my way. This is what feared me. I was ready to kill someone. The thing that disgusted me the most, cigarettes, is now the only thing that helps me calm myself. I didn't know it was possible to ruin myself like this in a span of just two weeks.

I sighed again.

Now all I can do is wait.


1:30 am

I got up from the ground and walked to the mirror. This was the first time I'd looked at myself in ten days.

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My face was terrible. Black circles under my eyes, Right eye swollen and lip bleeding from the side, from the punch I'd gotten for talking back to "Lady" Bora. My left hand was bruised. Numerous cuts on both arms and legs. My hair was a mess. I'd bathed yesterday though.

This is not the Sooyeon I know.

I shook my head at that thought. I'm wild right now. I'll kill anyone who comes in my way.

I tied my hair up into a tight ponytail. I put on the black hoodie that I'd stolen  from Ava's closet this morning. For a second, the thought of Taehyung crept up into my mind as I looked at the hoodie, but I pushed it away. Being emotional wasn't the best thing to do now. I tied my shoelaces and grabbed a small torch.

While I was getting ready to leave, the other girl sharing the room with me woke up.

"A-Are you really going to do this?" She said as she looked at me.

"Yes. I'm not a coward like you people. I need to get out of this shit hole." I said and pulled the hood up.

"You weren't like this when you came here. You didn't smoke and behave like this. You're scary now. Don't go. You'll get killed." She said slowly.

"So what? So what if I wasn't like this when I showed up here? I'VE CHANGED! PEOPLE CHANGE!" I shouted.

"And about me getting killed, I'll die eventually if I stay here any longer." I said and walked out of my room.

I took a deep breath to calm myself a little. I can't afford making a mistake right now.

I looked to my left and right, making sure that there wasn't any guard in here. I started taking slow steps to my right. My boots didn't make any noise as I walked to the end of the hallway.

I peeked out a little, but luckily there wasn't anyone there. I slowly made my way across the hallway and climbed down the stairs.

I switched on the little torch I had. On the fourth floor were two guards. I quickly hid behind the wall. I had to go left from here.

I listened to their footsteps and waited for the correct timing. When their footsteps grew distant, I peeked again. One of them was ten feet away from the left turn and the other one was at the end of the hallway.

I slowly got out from behind the wall and quietly walked towards the left turn. The guard didn't hear me at all.

Thank god. Two floors done. Three more to go.

Third and second floor were a little more difficult. There were almost five guards in the hallway on the second floor. I made a little noise, but the one nearest didn't hear it because he was too sleepy.

Now the last and the hardest one. The ground floor.

I had chosen the longer route, but the safer one, which would lead me to the exit from the kitchen. I had no idea what was outside, but I'll figure that out later when I get out of here.

I made my way from the stairs to the huge vase lying in the hallway. I walked to the right turn then. I kept my back to the wall as I slid ahead.

Three more minutes later, I could see the kitchen door. But I had to cross the main hall for that.

The lights were all on and there were almost ten people in the huge room. The kitchen was at the other end of the hall.

When I was about to take a step, I heard someone yelling.


Damn that bitch.

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