Chapter 365: Revolution

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Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Within a brightly lit courtyard in the city lord's castle.

Robert had a stack of documents and bills which were being sorted through by a few employees of the city lord's castle placed on the table in front of him.

Michael stood off to the side with his hands clasped behind his back and a dark expression on his face.

Many of the city lord's castle officials were sitting in the conference chamber with puzzlement on their faces. They didn't know why the city lord had gathered them so late at night.

However, seeing as the city lord hadn't said anything, no one else said anything, either. Another curious observation was that Robert was also present, and he seemed to be the instigator behind this impromptu meeting. Hadn't he been at the Catering Association for over a year? Was the city lord going to transfer him back to the city lord's castle? Or could it be that the things they were going to discuss had something to do with the Catering Association?

Many thoughts were running through everyone's minds. Some of them were already feeling quite drowsy, but they forced themselves to keep their eyes open.

Robert stood up, and delivered his report. "City Lord, all of the bills have been tallied. They are from the beginning of the year to now, and from them, we have calculated that the Catering Association has made a total profit of 35,600,000 copper coins from selling the food competition rankings, but the balance of their account with Buffett Banks is only 2,000,000 copper coins. After deducting the wages of the association's employees, there are still 30,000,000 missing."

"30,000,000 copper coins?! How much of that went into their own wallets?"

The quiet conference chamber immediately erupted. All of the officials were completely dumbfounded. They had always known that there was a certain degree of corruption taking place in the Catering Association, but they didn't think that it was this bad! They had almost taken all of the money that the association was making.

However, now everyone knew why Michael had gathered them today. It appeared that he was preparing to make a move on the Catering Association. Could it be that Robert was a pawn that had been planted in the Catering Association from the very beginning?

Everyone looked at Robert, and they felt even more reverence for Michael's wisdom and strategic astuteness.

"Aside from that, the higher-ups of the Catering Association share a very dubious relationship with some restaurants as well as the Chamber of Commerce. They've been selling rankings for profit for a long time, and have even established prices of each rank. As long as enough money is given, the restaurant would be guaranteed to achieve the ranking that they paid for." Robert picked up a document, and continued, "For ranks 50 to 100 on the Aden Square food competition rankings board, a fee of 10,000 copper coins is taken. For 31 to 50, it increases to 20,000, and for all ranks above 30, an increment of 5,000 copper coins must be paid per rank. For restaurants in the top 10, not only do they have to pay the designated fee, their food has to be of a good standard as well. Thus, from selling rankings alone, the Catering Association can earn around 3,000,000 copper coins per month, but only a small portion of that actually went to the Catering Association."

"So that means the Catering Association can make 60,000,000 copper coins per year! City Lord, they must be severely punished for this. Detain all of them, and throw them into Bastie Prison!" a heavily-bearded military official roared.

"That's not all. Their income stems directly from the restaurants, so in order to protect their profit margins, they'd have to charge higher prices and cut more corners to save on costs. Their behavior is completely ruining competition in the gastronomic industry."

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