Hey guys...
Another update. I quite like this one. What are your thoughts on Leo so far? Also, there will be mistakes this is all unedited, so please bare with me.
For this chapter listen too 'I won't let you go' By James Morrison. Just helps adds to the dynamic of Leo and May's relationship.
Anyways as usual enjoy :))
In my mind, for some reason, I assumed that Leo sitting at our table would be a onetime thing. I was wrong. He was there on Tuesday and then Wednesday.
I was only praying today, that he'd found some new girl to irritate. Not that they'd be annoyed at him. They'd probably faint at the attention he was giving them.
I was currently sitting in English. Mr Bennet was rambling about something to do with political satire in 'Accidental death of Anarchist'. I wasn't listening.
I already knew most of this, I think most of us did and that's why we were in AP English. I had nothing to keep me entertained. Josh and Anna weren't in the same class as me, and none of the boys were either.
I was tempted to sleep, but I couldn't.
So I stared at the clock...
I kept staring at the clock.
In many ways, I was praying and praying that I was some kind of psychotic genius that could change the time and that it be the end of the lesson.
Unfortunately, I wasn't and to my disappointment, we were only fifteen minutes in.
"So class what style of theatre helps achieve this political satire?" Mr Bennet asked. Drawing my attention back to what we were supposed to be learning.
Given my outburst last week, he's taken upon picking on me. It safe to say he is no longer my favorite teacher.
"Miss Evers would you care to answer?" No, I wouldn't actually.
I was well aware he was trying to embarrass me. However, he's going to be unsuccessful.
"Comedia Dellarte" I chirped, sending him a harsh glare.
"That's correct." He said, his smug expression falling from his lips.
It's funny how he's a grown adult and yet he's acting like a teenager.
"Excuse me, sir?" A voice spoke, myself, and the class's attention drew to the classroom door. My good mood is now wiped as I see that smirk on that stupid face.
I swear he's going to be the death of me. Let's just hope he's here to get something for another teacher.
"Yes, Mr Daniels..." Mr Bennet asked expectantly.
Leo frickin Daniels was standing in the doorway, he was leaning on the frame of the door. His hair was its usual messiness and his navy blue top hugged his muscles. I stared around the class and girls were visibly swooning.
Call me crazy, but I don't see it. Yeah sure he's gorgeous but he isn't. He's an egotistical narcissist, who from what I gather doesn't really care about other people's feelings.
"Well I was told, I'm transferring to this class." He said as he smirked at the girls in front of him.
Oh hell no.
Please no.
I take it back, this class can remain boring, if I can remain sane.
"Oh yes that's right, go take a seat." Mr Bennet said gesturing to the class.
I stared at him, praying that he doesn't see me. There were two spare desks one at the back and one behind me.
He scanned around the classroom until his stormy eyes met mine. I buried my face in my hoodie. Looking down. I could feel him near the desk behind me. I silently curse myself for being an impatient douche and wanting the lesson to be more interesting.
Maybe I really was a psychotic genius.
"Well if it isn't little miss feisty." He spoke his voice quieter. I decided to stare down at my empty paper where we were supposed to be taking notes.
I'm not going to look at him and I am not going to retaliate. He just wants to annoy me because he has nothing better to do.
I could feel him kicking the back of my chair, but still, I stared down at my paper, pretending to pay attention.
It wasn't until he started throwing paper at my head repeatedly. That I turned around and scowled at him. Honestly, I was surprised there wasn't smoke coming from my flaring nostrils.
While I could see him stifling a laugh, I turned back around. The urge to just punch him in the face was growing stronger.
Violence isn't healthy May.
I could feel him move closer to my back, as his warm breath came dangerously close to me. I couldn't help but notice the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.
"You look like a sexually frustrated cow when you're angry." Why did I just know he was smirking.
But that was it, that was the pin drop. I snapped my head around. I clearly took him by surprise as he fell back into his chair.
"Well, you look like an immobile Sloff." I scoffed, maybe I should've thought about that one. It was not the best insult if I do say so myself.
As I turned my head around I realized the class must have heard that as everyone was staring at me, all with puzzled expressions. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.
"Mr Daniels, Miss Evers is there a problem?" Mr Bennet asked, now he actually really did look like a sexually frustrated cow.
"No sir."
"No sir."
Both Leo and I snickered. It's kind of hard to not be amused by Mr Bennet's expression. His brown eyes were practically bulging from his head.
The next half hour went quite quickly. With Leo kicking the back of my chair and Mr Bennet unamused with my behavior. The lesson ended.
Now once again I was sitting at lunch with Max. He was talking to me about some girl he met last night or something.
I didn't really pay attention he'd just be onto the next one in a couple of days anyway.
"Ah, we meet again." Somehow I managed to become very familiar with that voice over the past week. "Hey, Princess," Leo smirked sitting next to me.
"For the last time, my name is May, Jerk." Why couldn't he just call me May or M or anything associated with my name? Everyone else did.
"Someone's got a temper." He grinned.
"Maybe because someone wouldn't let me listen to the English lesson," I said through gritted teeth, as the others began arriving.
"Oh please, you were practically half asleep, you were begging for me to show up."
"What's going on?" Anna asked.
"Leo's being..."
"Amazing, gorgeous, fabulous, the best thing that ever happened." He interrupted.
"I swear to god you will leave this table in a body bag if you don't shut up." I groaned in frustration.
Leo just held his hands up as though he'd been caught red-handed with an amused expression on his face.