Chapter 25

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After that short vacation, we are now back to our daily routine. And because of I didn't work for 2 days, my paper works are now mountains in my table.

"Ma'am, The CEO of Gilson Industries agreed to the meeting you had set with him. He told me that you only need to come to his office if you are free today."

I look up at Daisy. "Tell him I am coming then before 10:45 A.M."

She nodded. "Yes ma'am." Then she left my office.

I stared at the door of my office. I cannot deny that Daisy is a great secretary. She worked as fast as I expected from her. She could easily understand every order I told her but nonetheless, I didn't trust her.

I was busy staring at the door when the telephone in my table rang. I shook my head and took the telephone to answer it.

"Chairwoman speaking." I said as I answered the call.

"Ma'am, the board set a meeting with you." I can hear the nervousness in Windy's voice.

My right eyebrow rose. "What's with the sudden meeting?"

"Company is now in trouble ma'am, they said come immediately. They want to talk with you."

I can't help but to feel nervous because of the news. Napatingin ako sa wristwatch ko. I still have 1 hour and a half before my meeting with Mr.Gilson. "Tell them I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"Copy ma'am."

I ended up the call and pack my things. I need to hurry. Hindi naman magpapatawag ng meeting ang mga kaibigan ko kung hindi importante.

As soon as I got in my car, I told my driver to drive right away. He immediately obeyed without saying anything.

I let out a deep breath to calm my heart. It was beating so fast and I don't know why I was so nervous even though it wasn't the first time that the company got in trouble.

Umayos ako ng upo habang umaasang hindi ganoon kalala ang problemang ito. Oh f*cking heart of mine, will you please calm down? It was just nothing. I can still handle this.

The moment the car stopped at the ground floor of my company, I went out immediately.

I rode the elevator and click the floor where is the conference room was located. I want to go first to my office but at this moment, I don't know why I can't calm myself as long as I didn't know what's going on.

As soon as the elevator stopped at the floor where the conference room was located, I went out walking like the death is after me.

Windy is just about to speak but I overpassed her. I immediately enter the conference room and was surprised when a very silent conference room welcomed me. Each of my friend were so silent and I couldn't help to feel strange. This is the first time I've seen them like this.

"What's goin' on?" I can't help but to ask before I sit on my usual chair. My brows rose when no one answered me. They remained silent and I don't know why they can't look at me in the eyes. "I am asking what's going on!" I shouted impatiently make them flinched in shock.

Gianna cleared her throat before she look at me in the eyes. "We have a big problem Savannah." She said calmly. "The company is in a big trouble."

I raised my left eyebrow at her direction. "I already know that. What I want to know is what is that f*cking big problem."

"Eighty percent of the company's budget was loaned." It was Wren.

Until The EndTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon