Just Me

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Who does my heart belong to? Lily thought as she pressed her face against the window in the compartment she was sitting in on the scarlet steam train, the Hogwarts Express, on her way to fourth year.

Severus had been forced into sitting with his Death Eater friends. He had looked at her apologetically and she had smiled at him to say, "It's alright, you can go, "but it really wasn't alright. Their relationship had been going downhill since he had begun to befriend the Death Eaters.

Alice, Mary and Marlene were all gossiping about stuff Lily really, really, really didn't want to know about, Jazmin (forever_hemmo1996 ) was with Darcy (IJ3766 ) and both their boyfriends along with the Ravenclaw Phoenix Grey (awesome2602chic ) and her two sisters, the Hufflepuff Felicity (jess19365 ) and the Gryffindor Willow (cacigrace ). The Greys' cousins the Gryffindors Gemma and Lola (Jamilajem02 and SemEm162 ) were probably with them too, or maybe they were all being annoyed by the group of Gryffindor boys - Lily only knew one of the group, Jared (MT7707 ). Or maybe the Hufflepuff Fifi (owlbemeandyoubeyou ) was also there, and the Gryffindor Jennifer (SS12345678910 ) , Lily didn't know. Her social life was a mess.

She continued thinking hard. The rain began to fall.

Well, maybe my heart belongs to my friends, Lily thought. Or it could be my family - oh wait, Petunia hates me. Well, I love all my friends, but Severus, he's the best. I've known him for years. But his Death Eater friends ... Oh, Severus can be blind sometimes. And I - I think he's been mistaking our friendship for something more. It's just the way he looks at me, it scares me because eventually I'm gonna have to tell him I don't feel the same way, and that'd end our friendship for good.

She sighed. Why were things so hard for her?

Someone knocked at the doors of her compartment. Lily spun around to face the source of the noise - Oh, who did I expect? - and sighed again, this time out of annoyance rather than self-pity.

The Marauders. James, as always, stood at the front, his messy hair in all directions and his glasses on a slight angle. Sirius stood beside him, his first mate as always, his typically good looks eliciting loud snd audible sighs from the girls in the next compartment. Remus, with the looks that might have challenged James' if it wasn't for the nasty scars running on his face, stood beside James with an apologetic look on his face towards Lily, already wearing his school robes and carrying a stack of books. Peter skulked behind Sirius, looking very mousey as always.

Lily knew they couldn't enter since she had locked the door, so she went up to the glass. In front of James and Sirius' faces she breathed heavily so it turned misty - then she wrote backwards so they could see, 'LEAVE ME ALONE'.

Then Lily went back on the seat, stubbornly ignored any reply they might have, and stared out of the window again, the rolling hills beginning to take over the plains.


Okay, I wanted to mention all my friends so that's how I did it. Don't judge! Wow, looking back on that, it's quite a few people. It's fun mentioning them in it, I dunno.

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