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"All right Haru-chan! Time to set out!"


Dazai pointed the finger in the air as he stood at the entrance of your room. You have recovered from the training and you were extremely energetic as usual, ready to start your day with training, until you heard Dazai knocked your door.

"Set...out?" you asked, placing a finger on your cheek and tilted your head, set out? did he mean go out or?

"Yes Haru-chan, Mori-san gave you permission to go out! Means no training and only fun! Isn't that great?" Dazai said cheerfully and extended his hands wide opened. You were still trying to process what he was trying to say. Until you realised he meant going out of the Mafia headquarters.

"EH?!! REALLY?! I GET TO GO OUT?!" you let out a shout and Dazai smiled innocently and nodded like an adorable puppy. At first you were all hyped up and excited, but you realised, it might be some sort of test, a test to test your fitness or powers.

Your warm smile flattened to a dull face, you lowered your head and repeated it's a test, it's a test, it's a test. Dazai did not seem to be bothered about it so he told you that you can go alone by yourself as long as you come back by 8pm, which you thought was okay.

Since you did not have any clothes, you decided to go shopping when you went out, since the Mafia does pay a 'little' money to you, which was around $50,000, but that's what they call little, you decided you would definitely spend the money wisely.


It's a test isn't it?

You snapped out of your girl zone and remembered you absolutely cannot let your guard down. You took a deep breath and wore a simple long white sleeved shirt with a charcoal black knee length skirt, you tied your hair into a messy bun. You took a pair of long socks to cover all the remaining bruises and scars, it really looked unpleasant, all thanks to Chuuya.

Eventually you made your way out of your room and reached the Mafia headquarter's entrance, you stood there in awed, it was thrilling to you, you haven't been out for around 2 months. You frowned and told yourself it was a test, it was a test.

With great courage you stepped out of the building, you wanted to go to Tokyo where it was a little  far away from Yokohama, knowing that you did not want to really roam around Yokohama, you immediately rode the train to Tokyo.


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The people in the fashion shop all stared at you, as if you were a foreigner or neither you were very weird and strange. You grabbed a variety of clothes and made your way to the cashier. You definitely know that everyone in the shop, including the cashier, thought that you were a spoilt brat, but you knew deep down that you deserved all of this after your hard work.

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You carried loads of bulging bags in your hand and decided to go to a nearby cafe where you could rest, it was already 2pm, time sure flies fast, you thought. When you reached the counter and wanted to order your latte, a familiar feeling struck you.

While you were choosing your cake, you felt someone familiar stood beside of you...

You turned a little to your right to recognise a boy that had been very close to you. He had a unique stunning violet hair that was wavy and fluffy, you noticed his height was around 180cm, you felt your stomach sank to the bottom and you dropped down to your knees in fear.


You said in a soft and terrified tone, you on the floor gained all of the customers attention, including the workers. The boy, who was wearing a high school uniform, turned to you and you immediately recognised him.


"Are you all right?"

You gasped and covered your mouth, it was really Yuuto, he helped you slowly get up to your knees, you were still trembling in shock, but something seemed off.

"Y-Yuuto it's m-me! Haruko! I'm so glad you're alive! I thought I killed you!" you shouted and immediately dived into the boy's hand, he was completely confused, frowning, and backed away from you. You heard some other high school boy voices behind of him.

"Hey hey! You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend Ren!" a high school boy slapped Yuuto's back hardly and you froze.

"No she's not! I just saw her scared and she just hugged me for no reason," Yuuto replied and shrugged, you widened your eyes, you couldn't believe it.


No, he's the Yuuto I know! I know him, I know who he is!

"Yuuto! Stop ignoring me! What's with the name Ren?! Your name is Yuuto Ishimoto! Stop pranking me-"

"I think you got the wrong person miss,"

You were cut off by him, you clenched your fist and couldn't believe he doesn't know who you are, those greyish ocean eyes, that kind face, it was him, but why?

Everyone around you started gossiping and whispering about how weird and crazy you were, your tears started rising, you immediately dashed out of the cafe and went back.

Tears were falling non-stop as you ran down to the station, wanting to go back to the Mafia headquarters. While running down, you saw a poster that was pinned onto the tree. You enlarged your eyes and let out a gasp.

This is Haruko Kishimoto


A 15 year old who killed a total of 180 people. Immediately call the police if found.

You dropped the bag and stared at the poster, you felt your body was heavy, you did not see his sign before when you pass by here...then why?

You turned around and found yourself surrounded with enormous and tall men wearing tuxedos pointing guns at you, a young girl. They were not from the Mafia, it was another organisation, the Mafia would not come here to capture you. You were panicking, your heartbeat was ten times faster than usual, you squeezed your eyes tightly and feel on your knees, you covered your terrified face with your cold, icy hands. 

"Ah! Haruko!"

That voice-

You let go of your hands and saw a man wearing a high school uniform, you were paralysed to the spot, the menacing aura holding you in a tightening grip. You couldn't move a single muscle, the man continued walking closer to you. 

"Yuuto? W-what is t-this?"

You tilted your head up to Yuuto, you were extremely confused, for a moment he was just a normal looking student and suddenly he is standing here with a group of dangerous people. You could tell he was some sort of leader among the people, you couldn't believe what you saw.

He had a innocent smile on his face like always, you loved that smile before, but it seemed malicious and dangerous now. He knelt down and looked at you, still with his smile on. You didn't dare to look back up, he was different, he isn't the Yuuto you knew.

"Haruko~ look at me,"

You still stared down and the floor, your fist clenching tightly. 

No no it's not him, you told yourself

Suddenly he placed a small knife next to your neck, it was only millimetres close to cutting your throat, out of fear, you sharply looked up into his piercing eyes. A smirk formed from his mouth, out of nowhere you felt a hard thud from the back of your head and everything went black.

"Chuuya! Did you see that?!"

"Shut up shitty Dazai!" Chuuya said in a nervous tone as he gritted his teeth.

They both actually followed you all along, but they did not expect this to happen. Instead of saving you on the spot, they decided to inform the rest of the Mafia members about this and they both went on chasing the black truck, where Yuuto kept you in. 


Wew done Ok thanks for reading y'all I know I added some characters but trust me I'll be an interesting story :)) HOPEFULLY 

Anyways ily you guys and bait

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