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5:00 pm.

The room was silent.

Dead silent.

The group of friends were in total shock and disappointment. Even if there was a little hope that they wouldn't fade, that bit of hope was gone.

There was no trace of Jeongin or Seungmin left in the room at all. Their bodies have totally faded away, them to never be seen again.

"Does anyone else's heart feel...empty?" Chan asked, pain in his voice. They all sat in the family room of Seungmin's house, not moving a muscle since the moment the two left this world.

"Mine does," Woojin sighed, rubbing his head.

"I can't believe they're really gone," Minho spoke in disbelief. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he was tired of crying.

"It doesn't even feel like they're still here. They really are just gone from the world," Hyunjin joined in.

There was another moment of silence. Everyone thought about their two friends, and how they would never get to hear their joyful laughs, or see their happy smiles ever again.

And how the two couldn't finish off their beautiful relationship, or even go the rest of their life enjoying each other's company.

Felix rubbed his eyes, and stood up off the couch, "Maybe we should go. I'm sure the Kim's will want privacy to grief when they get home."

Everyone agreed, and started gathering their things. They all parted their ways to home, struggling to understand the reality of this horrible nightmare.


6:00 pm.

Jeongin's parents came home from work at different times, while his brother was with his mom for the day.

His father came home from work, to find his wife and son reading a letter that was on the table. The two looked distressed, and instant panic filled his body.

"What's going on?" He asked, walking over and rubbing his sons back.

"It's Jeongin..." His mother cried, tears rolling down her cheek.

His father took the note, and started reading it to himself.


To my wonderful family, 

If you're reading this, you probably realized something isn't right. Mainly because I'm not with you reading it. I just...don't know where to start. I guess I should explain what's going on.

The truth is, I'm gay. I didn't realize till about a month ago. And you all probably know what that means. I'm different, and the universe does not like different. At first, I was terrified. I was going to die, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I had frequent meltdowns, and always threatened to just end it in the moment instead of facing the anticipation of this past month. It was killing me. I couldn't bare to tell you guys. I love you all so much, and seeing your heartbroken faces would just make this worse on me. I guess it's a bit selfish, but it was for the best. That's why I was so secretive this past month. I know you were all worried about me, but I just couldn't risk you guys seeing me fade. I'm sorry I wasn't able to face my own family about the problem.

I just really want you all to know, I appreciate everything you guys have done for me. No matter what a pain in the butt I was, you always loved me at the end of the day.  You sacrificed so much for me, and cared for me more than you cared for yourselves. I wish I could have done the same for you guys.

But, I'll be okay. You guys need to promise me the same thing, alright? Please don't let this effect you too much. You all deserve to be happy, and just because I couldn't live my life to the fullest, doesn't mean you shouldn't.

Don't do what I did, and take your life for granted. You never know when it's going to be your last day. If I could go back and change one thing in my life, it wouldn't be me being gay. I would change how I never did anything because I was scared. I missed out on living a great life, because I didn't want to face the consequences and step out of my comfort zone. Don't be like me. Even if we are restricted in life, doesn't mean you should always follow the rules. Rules are meant to me broken.

I left you guys my phone. Open it up, and maybe you'll like the surprise I left.

Now that I've faded, wherever I may go, I promise I'll do something good for you guys, okay? Weather it's making someone you like win on a tv show, or doing something courages that I would never usually do. I'll make you guys proud.

Love you always, Jeongin ♡︎


They all began to cry, and Jeongin's mother grabbed her sons phone and opened it up. He took the password off, so as soon as you opened up the phone, it brought them to a photo in his camera roll. 

The date was over a month ago. It was the last photo Jeongin took before he started fading. He looked happy, healthy, and totally visible.

The Yang family looked at the photo sympathetically.


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