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Loud bangs were heard in the distance. The demons were trying to break the shield. Jungkook snapped his fingers again making 2 extra layer of protective shield around the earth.

The people gathered around the field as Jungkook stood tall. "You guys have trained very hard. Just remember to give it your all and know that I stand beside you all the time. Now please move towards your position!" Jungkook stated as everybody moved towards their position. He turned towards his human friends.

"I am sending you guys back to the head quarters. Stay at your station all the time." Jungkook instructed as they nodded their heads.

Jungkook snapped his fingers teleporting the boys towards the head quarters.

"Lets get this over with." Jungkook muttered to himself as he moved towards his position.

"The barrier is to stronge." One of the demon said. "Put all force! We are attacking!" The demon king growled.

all the demons gathered around the barrier as they damaged it and broke it.

As soon as the barrier broke, loud sounds were heard. Right went the fog filled up, drones started to fire towards the demons.

The demons didn't stop as they threw fire back to destroy the drones. They split up going towards different direction.

Jungkook snapped his hands as everybody wore a bracelet. It rings each time they are terribly danger. Jungkook wanted to stick to his words.

Jungkook teleported himself towards different countries making sure that everything was in check.

As the demons came closer, everybody started to attack. The magical creatures used their powers in order to fight as the humans used weapons and drones to fight.

Jungkook was overworking himself as many were in danger. He teleported himself many times in order to help people who were in danger as their bracelets started to ring.

Many demons were dying as Jungkook's team lead the way. It was quiet for some times knowing that the biggest attack is get to come. Jungkook quickly snapped his figures making protective barriers around everybody in his team. This would help him have some times while teleporting himself.

Huge rocks started to be seen in the sky trying to crash down. Jungkook instructed everybody what to do as the magical ones were in the front line. They used their powers to smash the rock in thin air so it wouldn't come crashing down towards the earth.

The rocks started to convert in to fire rocks as Jungkook asked all the water, ice and fire elements creatures to move forwards and help.

Finally as the rocks were all demolished the fog started to clear up. The demon standing in one side and Jungkook and his team standing in another.

"Well, well , well.. Look who we have here." The demon king said. "If it isn't the weak king." The demon king laughed.

Jungkook didn't reply. "Aww look how speechless he is. Cat got your tongue loser?" The demon kind asked.

"I don't have to replied to unnecessary things." Jungkook replied. "Well is that so. Anyways, your army is nothing compared to mine. In the end we would win and you would loss. You would be seen as the cause of the death of humanity." The demon king said.


"I wouldn't be that sure." Jungkook replied. His expression changed in to dark one as his hair and eyes changed color. "Your chnaging forms." The demon kin said. "Interesting." He added.

"Lets not delay this shit. Salves attack!" The demon king roar as they demons moved forward along with Jungkook's troops.

"Kelvin ask them to send all the camera drones above the clouds. We need to check what is happening before we can make our move."Calum commanded as Kelvin did as follow.

"Everybody ready to launch our drones." Luke asked as everybody nodded their heads. The screen in front of them showed the war from each part.

"Illusion draws get to you stations." Jimin comanded. "Fire drones get to your station." Namjoon commanded. "Ice beam drones, get to your station." Jin commanded. "Laser drones get to your station." Yoongi commanded. "Electric beam get to you station" Taehyung commanded.

"damaged drones are returning... Everybody get to your station." Hoseok commanded. "New drones required.. everybody get yourselves moving." Camren commanded. "Cameras need to be fixed.. Hack every cctv which can show us the scene" Alex commanded. "Demons headed towards Bhutan, troops and drones required." Jack commanded.

Everybody was trying their best to fight off the war. "Beat them first than I will join the show." The demon king laughed as he sat on the flying throne ordering his troops.

Danger bells were ring quiet often now as the demons were very powerful. Jungkook teleported to different places helping everybody who were in danger.

As the fight continued everybody sent Jungkook a message saying they would be alright and he should probably fight the demon lord or new demon would keep returning. Jungkook protested as he wouldn't be able to save everybody if he started the fight. However, everybody urged him to do so trying to make him understand that it was okay if they got injured as jungkook was always there to protect them and nobody would blame him as he is doing his best.

Jungkook went towards the demon king as he threw a water ball straight into the demon kings face. "What the hell." The demon king growled. "What? This?" Jungkook said as he repeated the action. "I told you I would only fight after the demons are dead." The demon king said.

"And you believe that I am so dumb not to notice the demons are created by you again and again as you sit there?" Jungkook replied. "Oh.. I see I got caught huh.." The demon king said. "This is only getting more and more exciting each passing day ay?" demon king added.

"To scared to fight the war? You called me the weak king.. Look who's fight from the back line while i'm here up front?" Jungkook said looking at the demon king.

"Ahah loser, i'm not siting here to cower in fear. I am here to see the world end." The demon king laughed wickedly.

The demon king rises his has as dark mist was form. "I summon you all creature of the darkness, my puppets, to raise and destroy the world. I command you to raise this instant." The demon king called out as demons which were seen before . "Now let me show the end..Nobody can survive these." The demon king growled as the demons scattered.

"This is bad. Demon wave moving towards all the countries.. troops and drones required to be distributed in each sector.. again troops and drones required to be distributed in each sector." Kelvin said.

The demons were new.. They were ordinary demons they were fighting against. They were more stronger and had more power inside them.

"This is a warning.. The demons are more stronger than before and has more powers than the previous ones.. ask all kind of troops to be disturbed in the front line the water and ice aren't going to be the strong ones now." Jack said looking through the footages.

"All elements troops required in the front line. I repeat all elements troops required in the front line." Kelvin commanded.

"send the drones to each part and monitor it." Calum commanded. "Jungkook doesn't need the drones help. Make the drones move towards the troops to protect them." Luke said as everybody nodded their heads as they did what they were told.

Jungkook stared at the demon king as he started to hear the danger bells. It was 10 times more than before. it came from all type of places that Jungkook didn't know where to start. "This is how weak you are and your troops are. Nobody is going to survive. I am going to crush them all until they are ashes. I am the king of demons and soon to be the king of the whole damn universe." They demon kings laughed wickedly.

Jungkook didn't know what to do. He was failing. He was shaking. However he got flashbacks. From blurry figures.

"You are stronger than you imagine."

"Don't fight alone, know that we are always by your side."

"The power that you hold is not ordinary. That what makes you the king of the universe."

"Unleash your power to a 100% and nobody could ever stop you."

"Remember to believe in yourself."

"Promise that you would return to our arms."

"We love you king."

All the voices made jungkook close his eyes as he concentrated. His hair color was dark purple as his eyes held more stars inside of it. His body started to shine as his outfit changed. His body started to glow. All these made him look the most ethereal person alive.

"What is happening!" The demon king roared.

"Your end! That's what's happening!" Jungkook growled.


So.. the war has began. Who do you think would win? Would anybody die? What do you think would happen?

Anyways heres a new chapter


AND FOR ALL THE HATE jimin and Jungkook are receiving as they got more lines... I don't care what people would say to this but Bruh they are the main vocals and lead singers they are suppose to have more lines.. It isn't their fault! they don't demand for which part they want and which part others should receive. And if you hear it clearly they have more parts as they are harmonizing with other members and adding adlibs... It isn't their fault stop sending hate to them! and I get that Taehyung, Jin and the rap lines need more lines, but they aren't the ones who decide who takes what lyrics. They choose the voice that they think is the most suitable for the song. I am not saying the others don't have suitable voice for anything cause they do but Jungkook and Jimin are only doing their roles what was chosen.. don't send them hate..

Any ways I purple you guys🥺

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