Love is Stronger: Part 1 Continued...

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"John, news has come in this morning, that it pill has been discovered. Sources have stated that this pill can cure the virus in a matter of 24 hours. Is there anyway you could shed some light on this? Is this just a rumor or could this possibly the answer that we've been searching for?"

An older male with streaks of gray in his brown hair speaks up. "I know what you're thinking, Carson. It's easy for people to jump on the idea that there is a pill out there that can solve everything, especially with how desperate everyone is becoming because of this epidemic. From what we know, this was uncovered by an unknown person who found genuine documents and classified information that the government had kept secret. Whether this is true, I don't think it would matter. Not everyone would have access or the money to get this pill." He ended with a sick smile.

I felt sick to my stomach, watching as the news anchors continued to make a joke out of it. Not everyone would have access or the money to get this pill. With the majority of the population in America as middle class or lower, you would think that they would make the pill affordable to everyone. Of course they wouldn't. Only the rich, would gain access. Apparently they're more worth saving than the rest of us.

"Ridiculous." Mark's father shook his head, removing his glasses and rubbing his temples. I could see that this would be a problem for them as well. Although Mark probably made enough money for himself, would it be enough for his family? Without him, they were just upper middle class with money, but based off the sadistic look on the anchor's face, I bet it would be impossible to get that pill. There was no doubt that a second wave was on it's way and it's going to be worst than the first. If this so called miracle pill could cure the virus, it was our only option.

I sat in the corner of the living room, staring out the window at Jackson. Earlier, Jackson had received a call. From the way he was flinching, it was easy to make a guess that it was Tony. I frowned, resting my chin on my knee. As much as I hated to say it, I missed Tony and his constant offensive remarks. I also missed Mei. It's only been a week since I left, but the amount of times that I've eaten mac and cheese was getting too much for me.

From my the pocket of my jacket, I felt a buzz. Fishing out my phone, I see an alarming text from Eve.

Call me now. It's urgent.

I froze in my spot, not moving an inch. What could have possibly happened? Did she get hurt during the protest? I mentally kick myself for not making sure she was okay before I left. Or did it have to do with Anthony? I doubted it, but I could never be too cautious. Or maybe she was trying to tell me something that she thought was urgent but in reality was a 'I don't have anything to wear' scenario.

With a shaking finger, I dialed her number. Throwing a glance at everyone, watching them one by one head into the backyard, I brought the phone hesitantly to my ear. "Hello?"

"Gabi. Your's..." She whispered through the speaker.

"Eve? What about my dad? What's going on? Talk to me!" I snapped at her. "What happened to my dad, Eve. What is urgent?"

I was met with silence for what seemed like a whole minute, before she finally spoke up with a shaky voice. "He's been taken away. He...he has the virus."

My breathing stops and the phone slips from my grasp, hitting the carpeted floor with a thud. All of a sudden, a strangled sob left my throat. My vision became blurred with tears and my knees met the floor. I could hear Eve calling through the phone and other voices filling the space around me. Someone grabbed a hold of me, calling my name, but I didn't know who. In that very moment, I couldn't feel anything.

My dad. He had so many health problems growing up and we knew that out of the three us, he would be the one to get the virus. My mom and I hoped it would never come down to that, but it was bound to happen sooner or later. We weren't rich; there was no way that we could afford that pill. All I could do now was cry and pray that he got better.


*Anthony's POV*

"Where's my money?!"

I rolled my eyes, slowly counting out the red pills that led in front of me, making sure I had the right amount. "Calm down." I picked up one and examined it. "These are the real deal?" I questioned, eyeing the man suspiciously.

He nodded frantically. "Yes! Of course!"

"They better be. It would be a shame if they weren't." I taunted. Grabbing the envelope beside me, I handed it out to him, only to snatch it back with a chuckle. "Gotta be faster than that."

"Just give him the damn money, Anthony." I heard a grunt from behind me.

I look over my shoulder at him and frown. "You're no fun." I turn back to the fidgeting guy. "Get the hell out." Once the money was in his hands, he sprinted and I scoffed watching as he tripped over air on his way out. Great. $100,000 out the window. "Why do you always have to take the fun out of everything?"

"Since you decided trading girls for sex with a miracle pill was a good idea."

I pouted. "I'm not the same as I was in high school, Jayden. I'm not a ladies man anymore." I sniffled.

Jayden rolled his eyes so far back I thought they would get lost in the back of his head. "Right. Then what's up with constant texts, dms, and snapchats you get every damn minute?" He raised a brow. "How about we give those pills to people who actually need them."

I let out a loud humorless laugh. "I did not spend a $100,000 on these pills to just pass them around to people."

"And I know damn well you didn't spend $100,000 on those pills to get sex from girls." He retorted.

I shrugged, deciding to completely ignore his remark. "Anyways..." I smirked, holding out my phone for him to see. "Here's the list."

He sighs, reluctantly looking down at the typed out list. "Okay, okay, um...well, okay." He nodded, before stopping. "Wait, you've got to be joking."

"What is it this time?"

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"What is it this time?"

"You can't be serious. Gabriella? The virgin?" He shook his head angrily. "You can't be serious right now, man. What is up with you and her? You can't possibly think that offering her a pill is going to get her to have sex with. She hates your guts." Jayden hissed, smacking the phone from his view.

"Seems like that time of month." He scoffs, standing up from his spot on the couch abruptly. "Chill. It'll be fine. I have a plan." I reassured him.

"Good. You're on your own with this. I refuse to get in trouble because of you." He snapped. Grabbing his things, he walks away, not before throwing me a threatening glance.

"No fun." I muttered under my breath. Picking up a pill, I brought it under the light. "You're going to get me this girl, because without you, her daddy isn't going to make it."

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