I Won't Marry Thy Enemy!

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Whitley was walking through the halls of her large home. It was weird that her dad wanted to see me. She pushed open the large doors and went to her father. She quickly curtsied before smiling at him.

"Yes father? You wanted to see me?" He smiled.

"My dear daughter. I would like to know the progress of your search." She lowered her head.

"I have not found any good results." He sighed.

"May I assist?" She nodded as he bellowed. "BRING THY GUEST!"

She turned as the doors opened. Fire raged in her eyes as she saw who it was. Black Zunda, her number one enemy and her fandom "crush". She has been put with him more times that she can count. The only thing that destroys everyone's dreams of making it official is her reaction every time.

"Father, don't you see a major problem here!? Thy enemy? I think not!"

"He's the only one that can truly fill the place!"

"Of a nine year old! Father, this is my worst enemy, my rival. While most families have done well, I will not spend the rest of my life with a dragon that has terrorized my life already! Give me another chance!" Black chuckled.

"But Whitley my dear, you can't deny fate."

"Fate says for you to find a real mate, Zunda. I will not bear your name." She turned to her father. "Please! There has to be other choices." Her father paused.

"I will do this. By the time of the Moonshard Festival if you do not have a date, you will marry Black. How's that sound?" She smiled.

"That sounds reasonable, father." Her dad nodded and looked at Black.

"Agreed, Mr. Alpin." They bowed and left. He smiled before heading for the doors. She growled as she went to her room.

"I will get a date before then."

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