Father and Son

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Authors Note: This chapter is going to be quite short just for the purpose of suspense.

"Did you miss me?" The old man says in a soft, raspy voice. The man seemed to be in his 50's or 60's but looked well for his age.

"Fuck you" Raymond spits at the mans feet.

"You never had much respect for me, even from the start. Do you still have the tattoo?"

He uses his cane to rip off Raymond's shirt revealing a large poison ivy tattoo. Aren was sure that that wasn't there before, maybe he covered it with makeup?

"Now what about about this one?"

The old guy walks over to Aren and pushes the end of his cane against his head.

"You know this boy?" He asks.

"Never seen him before" Raymond lies.

"Then you wouldn't care if I killed him" He pulls out a pistol and aims it at Aren and pulls the trigger half way.

"Wait! Fine I know him, just don't hurt him!"

"That's a good boy, boys handcuff these two"

He pulls his cane back and the men pinning Aren and Raymond handcuff their hands behind their back and escort them into the car. Aren is seated next to Raymond and facing the old man and his bodyguard. Raymond is avoiding eye contact with his father and Aren is looking at his knees.

"Why does this stuff always happen to me?" Aren mutters.

"This happen often?" The man questions.

"Don't talk to him Aren, he will manipulate you" Raymond states.

"Don't listen to him, I'm Alexander nice to meet you"

"Uh nice to meet you?" Aren hesitates.

"Aren listen to me don't even speak to him" Raymond orders.

"Gag him" Alexander orders his bodyguard, he moves over to where Aren is seated and pulls him out of his seat placing him next to Alexander. Raymond tries to squirm away but the guard ties a fabric around his mouth gagging him and sits next to him making sure he doesn't try anything.

"As I was saying, it's nice to meet you really. I don't get quiet company, everyone is always so talkative and or aggressive but you seem nice. I would've rather have you as my son other than this disrespectful thing"

Raymond death stares him.

"Uh so what was his ties to you and this, group?" Aren questions.

"Well when he was younger, after when his mother died he came into my custody so he joined forces with me. He was such a great pawn"

"How did his mother die?"

"She died in a drive by shooting"

Raymond gets enraged and leaps out his chair to attack him but the bodyguard grabs him and further restrains him.

"Why is he so angry?" Aren asks.

"His interpretation of the event is twisted and incorrect" Alexander smiles.

"We're here boss" The driver says.

"Good, take these boys to 'the room'" Alexander commands.

"What room?"

"Don't worry child you'll be fine" he says in a smooth, creepy tone.

The bodyguard grabs Aren and Raymond by the collars and escorts them into a building, the place was warm and cozy with the sound of records playing on record players. Their direction quickly changes to face a wall with a large steel door with a grill window. The guard pushes them both in the room and only takes the handcuffs off of Aren, he hands him a key and leaves the room closing the door and locking it. Alexander approaches the grill window.

"The key will unlock Ray's handcuffs so do as you will"

Footsteps began to fade away and Aren walked over to Raymond sitting against a wall and unties the gag and takes the cuffs off.

"You okay?" Aren inquires

"He lied" Raymond mumbles.


"He lied. My mother didn't die in a drive by. He shot her, she trusted him. The last memory I have of her was her crying, begging for her life. After she died he forced me to work with him, he branded me with the tattoo on my back and used me like a tool. Fucking bastard"

He hung his head low and Aren sat down beside him. His energy was different, he seemed pissed but mainly upset. Small streams of tears run down his cheeks and dripping onto his hands.

"I was a monster...no...I am a monster. I-I killed people...I did such bad things" he stutters in between tears before bursting out in full of tears.

"I..I'm not sure what I could do to help but-" Aren is interrupted.

"Kill him"

"I'm sorry what?"

"Kill him!"

"Well we need a plan"

They discuss for a while on what they are doing and finally come up with an idea. Aren walks up to the little window.


Alexander walks toward the door.

"What is it?"

"Raymond wants to work for you again, he doesn't want to run from his past anymore"

"Well it's about time, here I'll open the door"

As he opens the door Raymond aims his gun at Alexander and the sound of a gunshot fills the room.

"Raymond!" Aren screams.

Blood drips out of Raymond's mouth and he falls to the floor, blood staining parts of his white hair. His eyes wide and somewhat lifeless, blood seeping out of his chest dying his pale skin a dark red and drizzling onto the floor and gun still in hand.

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