Chapter. 01

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You hissed at the newly forming burn mark on your forearm, grabbing the affected area in pain. It was one of the many new scars you had earned while working in this position but you had learned to endure it all over time.

Working for your boss or "Master" was never easy and this weeks casualty was failing to make him breakfast unharmed. You knew if you didn't have his breakfast ready by 7:15 am, five minutes before he woke up, you would be severely scolded or worse. It was already 7:09. Crap you were doomed. Racing against the clock you placed the evil eggs from the pan that had burned you onto Mr. Parks favorite plate. Ready with his regular coffee and all, you hurried up the stairs.

Opening the door slowly to not disturb him you saw him sitting there, fully awake. He had his round reading glasses on and from the looks of it he appeared to be checking emails on his phone. His black haired head quickly whipped up upon seeing your entrance and his lips faltered slightly.

"Miss Y/N, do you have any idea of what time it is?" You nervously rushed toward him with breakfast prepared and bowed furiously.

"I am so sorry Mr. Park, I know that your breakfast is at 7:15 and it 7:16, one minute later. Please forgive me, my tardiness will never occur again" You meekly begged. He smirked at the formality while picking up the fork on the platter.

"I will let it slide this time Miss Y/N but remember, punctuality is important. Also, I did grant you permission to call me Jimin did I not?" He had granted you permission, you just were not comfortable saying it. One day Mrs. Park had caught you calling him by his first name and the beating you had received was brutal. You never wanted it to occur again.

You could not remember when your friendship had changed. It felt like only yesterday you were small kids playing on the playground of the school. Then suddenly, at age 15 he was now the CEO of the company and you were now his personal assistant or as he liked to call it, maid. It felt like all your life Mr. Park and Mrs. Park had raised you for that moment. They called it your "purpose" and since you could not recall your own family, this purpose of yours seemed like the only thing you had hold of.

"Yes Mr. Park, you did grant me permission. However, it is against my role to call you anything else. I am sorry Sir." Pulling our your work iPad, you pulled up the schedule for the day. "Now you have a very busy schedule today Sir. I suggest you eat quickly and get dressed, I will clean up after you when you beckon me." You bowed politely and began to walk off when an arm pulled you back. Turning to face him you became intimidated by his eyes.

"Where is the uniform I bought you?" He asked anger laced in his tone. Jimin had bought you a new uniform to give you a more maid/assistant like appearance. You became feared to put it on in case his Mother or Father saw you in it and beat you for not wearing the appropriate attire.

"I am so sorry Mr. Park. I'm not sure your Father or Mother would approve of the non traditional uniform and discipline me so." Jimin's eyes widened a bit at the comment and he brought your arm closer so you were face to face with him.

"I am your Master, If I want you to wear something you will wear it. Wether anyone approves or not. It is my decision and they will be made known of it. Now go change immediately." He instructed eyes never leaving your own. He instantly let go and went back to eating his breakfast. You took that as the perfect opportunity to leave and do as instructed. Bowing accordingly, you left.


Now in your proper attire you walked back out to continue your duties. Scanning the house for him, you could not see him anywhere. Eventually a note was found on the door reading,

"Emergency at the office, had to run. You better be in proper attire and be here by 8:30.
-Jimin xx"

You blushed at the "x's". Mr. Park had always been the flirty type, a playboy almost. Glancing at the clock, you realized you only had ten minutes left to get to the office. You needed to dash.

Upon arriving, you could see Jimin was not kidding when he said there was an emergency. People were running back and forth and the clacking of keyboards was as evident as ever. Walking in to Mr. Park's room, you saw him sitting at his desk, things scattered everywhere. His hand's were running furiously through his black locks and he seemed to be extremely upset.

"Is everything all right Mr. Park?" You asked quietly, in hopes to not disturb him a great deal. He looked up to meet you and his demeanor changed instantly. He smiled looking you up and down.

"I'm happy to see the outfit I bought you is where it is supposed to be. It looks amazing on you Miss Y/N." You blushed at the compliment and thanked him quietly.

Walking over to stand next to him at his desk, you noticed one of your hair ties was laid on the wood. Embarrassed that you must had dropped it a previous day, you reached over to pick it up. What you didn't realize was that for a full 20 seconds or so, your dress had rode up and you just so happened to give Mr. Park a full face of your ass.

Jimin's Pov

To say Jimin was aroused was an understatement. He had always found Y/N to be quite attractive and now that he could see her pretty, little ass in her panties practically in his face he was at a loss for words. He felt himself get hard at the situation. He needed to take control.

Standing up quickly he noticed her retract to her previous standing position. She appeared confused and eyed him warily.

"Is everything okay Mr. Park?" She asked genuinely confused. Just the batting of her eyelashes and the pouting of her lips seemed to make him feel warm inside. Jimin couldn't tell if she was doing these little things on purpose but it was sending him over.

"You just love what you're doing to me, don't you Kim Y/N?"

Y/N Pov

Jimin growled at you pinning you back to his desk, hands on either side of you.

"You love looking like this and teasing me with those big doe eyes don't you babygirl?" You had no idea what had gotten into Jimin but you were terrified out of your mind. When you thought it couldn't get any worse you felt his hot breath on your neck and his right hand trailing up your inner thigh.

"I wonder how the inside of you feels Y/N. I wanna know how you taste. You tease me every day by just sitting there and looking pretty. You've been a bad girl and I'm going to have to punish you for it~" He began sucking and licking at the skin on your neck, his right hand trailing up farther and farther up your skirt. You felt your cheeks heat up, flustered, you could not move.

"Master has been so stressed out with work lately, be a good girl and help him out huh?"
He was so close, so close to your already wet core. A few more inches and your Master could pleasure you as much as he pleased. The thought and feeling of his mouth on your neck and his hand down your panties was enough to make you shiver. It seemed to wake you up immediately to reality. Quickly pushing him off you gasped.

"Mr. Park I-"

"I don't like that, Call me daddy~" he demanded, wetting his lips with his tongue.

"Mr. Park...." you began again noticing his angry expression, "Sir this is wrong! I could get fired for sexual misconduct or worse! Taken to Jail! Sir I'm simply your personal maid and this goes against the entire code behind my field of work-"

"What is your rule of conduct as my personal maid?"

"To watch and clean after you as well as assist you every day in whatever you may need-"

"This isn't any different, I need your assistance, I need you~" There seemed to be only one emotion clouding his eyes and it was too clear to miss. That feeling, it was building up in you too. The feeling of lust.

"Fine, I'll do this, as your personal maid I will assist you."

"Good girl, and don't worry, I didn't forget about a punishment for Ignoring my request from earlier." You felt the heat grow more and more from within you as you chose your next words carefully.

"Yes Daddy Park~"


Also no I don't think Jimin's parents are abusive in real life it's just a story kk bye

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