Roses pt. 2

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Everyone stands and claps as the newlyweds are crowned kings of Mirrortail. Jocelyn has a look of the utmost pride on her face, Vanden couldn't be happier. He gets to spend the rest of his life with the man he loves most. Cassian is smiling but he is also deeply sad inside. The man I love will die before me. I've made a commitment to this man and I'll lose him soon. I'll just have to cherish every moment with him, he thinks to himself. The couple link arms and walk back up the aisle, out of the gardens, and into the ballroom with hundreds of round tables in it.

All the tables are covered in a white table cloth, set with golden plates with white leaf designs around the edges, and have a vase of white roses set in the middle of each table. Around the room are white hangings and white roses everywhere. Occasionally, a deep maroon rose or a dark marine blue rose can be seen dotted around the room, painted on the edges of the plates, or in the vases. Against the back wall is a long table, made to seat eight people. Each chair behind the table is different from the rest. The two largest are directly in the center, three slightly smaller chairs to the left and three slightly smaller chairs to the right.

The two directly in the middle are the largest and fanciest. The middle chair to the left, Vanden's, has a plush red velvet seat and the backing looks like it's made of layered coppery-golden feathers. The middle seat to the right, Cassian's, has a twilight blue seat cover and the back and arms are decorated with shells and accented with thin lines of gold paint. The chair on the left of Vanden's, Boblem's, is decorated with paintings of sunflowers and a little hummingbird is carved in the wood just above his shoulder. The chair to the left of Boblem's seat, Elyse's, is made of a dark oak wood with images of Lady Cord and lightning bolts carved into in and streaks of electric blue painted onto it. The chair on the far left, Phesta's, is made of a cherry wood with designs of flames and blacksmithing tools carved into it.

The chair to the right of Cassian's, Sariel's, is made of a light birch wood with a pale purple material covering the seat, carved into it are depictions of the moon and stars, all accented with silver paint. The chair in the middle on the right side, Astra's, looks like its made of branches weaved together, leaves and flowers growing out of it naturally to form the seat cover. The chair on the far right, Aerenthias's, is made of a black wood, a mustard yellow feather sticks out of the top of it and the seat is made of the same mustard yellow to match, it's simple yet stunning.

*Phesta, Elyse, Boblem, Vanden, Cassian, Sariel, Astra, Aerenthias. That is their order at the table from left to right*

The eight of them walk up to their special chairs at the top of the room and sit. Jocelyn, Cassian's family, and Vanden's childhood best friend, Arose *that I made up because I wanted to* sit at a round table very near to the front table. Mythian also sits with them, still in shackles. Vanden had insisted that he be here because, even after everything, he still wanted to share this day with the only blood family he had left. Lots of other guests including Boblem's grandparents, Xander and the rest of Elyse's crew, Arose's family, the funny sights guy, the Zalviir's, Boska, Lord mayor Valentinian, *lol probably spelled that wrong* and many more sit spread out around the round tables.

Soon enough, servers in white silk shirts and simple black pants, come around and pour everyone a glass of champagne (and Cassian water in a champagne glass) before Elyse, Boblem, Astra, Sariel, and Jocelyn give their short prewritten speeches. "Oh, here we go" Cassian murmurs in Vanden's ear, in a mock exasperated tone.

Elyse stands first to say "I still vividly remember the first time we all fought properly together. Van standing at the back, frozen in fear. it's probably one of my greatest memories, no offense guys" she says, seeing the offended looks on her crews faces, "we had so many memories on our little adventure together, so many moments of shock and surprise and happiness and sadness and confusion and everything in between. I'll never forget it either, I'm gonna make sure of that. But Van, Cas, you'll do well for each other. I know you will, I love you guys and I wish you the best." Elyse finishes to a round of applause, she bows her head slightly before sitting back down.

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