The darkness surrounded me. Screaming and crying in the middle of the night. Then the darkness was interrupted by flames of slaughter and war. I then saw the flames coming toward us I arose from my bed with every foot the screaming.
Cry's grew louder I ran up the stairs. "Nessy" I whispered l walked over to her bed. I pulled back the covers she wasn't there . Then I heard a little voice "Charlie" I slowly turned on my heals and then saw Nessy with a knife at her throat. The man holding the knife was tall and handsome . "Charlie" Nessy said in a panic voice. "It's okay Nessy everything's okay"
the man laughed why don't tell her the truth do you know the truth little girl. "Charlie"!! Nessy screamed the man looked only a year older than me. I finally saw the blood dripping down her neck and on to the floor.
I then heard Nessy scream in pane " Nessy scream again- but you said never to do it - just do it. Then the man said " shut up if you even think you can save her your mistak- ahahahha" he screamed as Nessy screamed as loud as she could I heard the sound of class breaking .
"Nessy you can stop now Nessa stop!" I screamed "stop!!!".
I felt the force of her screaming and thoughts in my head and I focused on finding Nessa then her mind was dark. Then I heard Nessa calling me I then heard the screaming banshee and saw her using my sister as a puppet What in the realms.
" Get out " as I said that she drop my sister in the darkness and walked over to me. As she walked over in her purple zombe torn up dress with her clevage about to fall out of her dress. She walked around me slow her midnight hair swishing back and forth .
Her eyes as green as neon. She stop right in front of me I looked at her then she took a sigh.
"Alright if your going to say nothing I will" she said
" oh what's that an aplogie or you finally admeting something cause I have a lot of things I can admit for you". I said smiling she took another sigh " theirs that personality I love so much" she said.
" Really Marisa what are you doing here" I said with a scowl. " Can't I come see my daughters ". She then put here hand out to show that we were here's. " I am not your daughter neither is she"
. Marisa then made a noise like she was hurt by my insult and in a heart beat she threw me against a brick wall.
"Where did that come from " I said in pain Marisa then walked over and lifted her self off the ground with just a flick of her finger. Floating there in front of me she then said " did you learn your lession " "yes that your a wicked evil twisted loanatic".
" oh okay then " she then looked down with just one finger she slaped me right a cross the face "don't ever tell me I am not her mother I bore her I carried her".
" not the same I took care of her played with her she don"'t even remember you " . I then found strength and broke the pressure she had on me and I floated right there with her " you will never be her mother cause you know what memory she has of you. She looks up at me I see compassion in her eyes "what" " pain your the nightmare she comes to me about " and it's all your fault .
" Well if we succeed that won't matter anymore ". " We " I said " oh me and your father will win this war "
" what are you doing in Nessas head" I asked " I am offering you a chance to join us we can be a family together come home ". Then she opened her arms to me " what are you doing you have never acted like this" " why it is a change a heart if all " " I know what your doing" I said.
" You don't want me you want Nessa and are abilities you know we could destroy you " I kept walking closer and closer and screamed " you will never have me or Nessa to controle " .
I pointed to her then told her " will I have to make you leave "
" Charlet I was just warning you if you try to stop us you know that your father will-" I cut her off by screaming "he is not my father get out get out!!!" " take care of my Nessa rose " she said with that she left.
" wake up wake up " I heard I opened my eyes to Nessa above me shaking me " hey what is it
" "hurry we got to make it to the safe house" Nessa said pulling me up" hello girls I am sorry a man blocked the door way but your not going any where".
Oh I knew that voice oh yes I get to have some fun. I stood before Prince Ocron casbien the first.
I looked up to his very attractive face. " Oh this must be my lucky day " I said Nessa looked at me " you know him" " well I haven't seen you in a long time 7 years you know I did miss penning you down in a resealing matchs or in other activities " he said " get away from let go of me " . I said while trying to get out of his hold.
Nessa still looked so confused " oh is he the guy who saved you when you were drowning in the river and did mouth to mout-". Hush Nessa " I said " oh have you been telling her how we were close as teenagers " "yes she has she told me a lot about you " Nessa said " oh did she tell you about this"
Ocron walked over to me and put chains on my ancles and rists. " now he said brushing the hair off my my face and moving closer to my face. I was about to slap his stupid face. He then whisperd do you remeber this he then grabbed my behind and lifted me in the air. Then set me on his shoulder " Ocron put me down" I said " oh come on little ghost " I froze when he said that to me my nickname he named me cause I had a habit of disapearing . " now That's better okay boys we have the great Charlet felicity noble or better know to us or me little ghost". " shut up don't call me that " " hahahaha" a guy came up and looked at me "shes's even more beautiful in person than the wanted posters you know they say your like a desert flower ".
he then touched my bottom lip " they say your lips have healing properties and are the sweetest lips there ever was" . He still was going over my bottom lip I bit as hard as I could.
" ahzhz more like a dreaded cobra" Ocron then walked over to me I gave him a stink eyes he bent down " okay Little ghost do I have to spank you to teach a little manners to these gentle men " I looked at him and then gave a tiny smile and he bushed back my hair and I head butted him in the head .
"Okay the hard way and you an I know I can handle you when I'm penning you down."
Nessa looked at me and Ocron and was making dreaming eyes like she wished she had someone like him. Ocron then stood " since little ghost doesn't want to be touched or be respectful will do the same thing men get me a an apple a barrel and scrip her clothses ". What have I done

Teen FictionAll her life Charlie was told she was special, but when her special abilities cause siege on her village and the death of her family. Kidnapped by the king knights and forced to fight in the war the king has assembled a team of special abiliti...