second chance (part 1)

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so we found scott and stiles said he would help, i was half asleep so i don't really remember anything, im guessing one of them carried me to my room because i woke up in my bed any way Monday after school Allison and scott spoke and scott asked for a second chance and turns out her dad tried to kill him. it was lacrosse practice time, i hate being a girl sometimes because i cant just walk into the changing rooms so i was stuck waiting for them i heard shouting from scott and knew he wouldn't hurt stiles so i slowly walked away and sat outside and waited for them, i don't know why i keep watching them practice but its better than doing homework, they were doing one on ones i think, i don't know lacrosse stuff i just listen on stiles complaining about it, anyway Jackson was out in the middle so i thought i would mess with him so I waved at him as he was looking at me, i felt lot of stares but oh well, they started and he was ramming into people, this is why i don't like him if i could i would ram him into like a well or something that would be fun.

scott was probably daydreaming or something but coach called him and he ran out and scott ran into Jackson and scott fell to the floor, he got up holding his arm and coach arm over i didn't wanna listen if im honest so I just watched as they spoke and I could feel Jackson smiling from here I saw scott run back to line and I snapped back, he was doing it again this wouldn't end well, he picked up a ball and ran out again ramming into Jackson and he fell to the floor making a loud thud and was holding his shoulder I couldn't help but laugh and stiles looked over at me and smiled, I think he was laughing to until scott dropped to his knees and he ran over and picked him up and started walking off so I slowly got out my seat and followed them to the changing room as there was no one in there, as I was walking I could see Derek and I knew he saw what happened but I tried to ignore him but I felt his stare on the back of my neck the whole time it wasn't nice I can tell you that, we made it to the changing room and they both stumbled in, scott started chasing stiles round the changing room so I ran in, he jumped on the lockers and I shouted duck as I jumped up and talked him off the lockers and pinned him to the floor while he was shouting in my face to get off him I heard stiles stumble off and pick up something, he comes back and pushes me off and scott stands up and stiles sprays him with a fire extinguisher and it work surprisingly, stiles fell to the floor holding the fire extinguisher and I walked over and took it off him, he looked kinda embarrassed it was cute and funny, scott sat up and asked what happened so we told him "its going to be a lot more violent if you kill someone on the field" I must have zoned out because stiles said that as he nudged me so I looked at them and sighed "you cant play Saturday scott" I said that for his benefit and everyone else's on the field with him "but im first line" he mumbled softly, me and stiles looked at him sympathetically "not anymore" stiles said quietly probably wishing he didn't have to say that.

stiles dropped me home as scott took his bike again, it was always fun in the car with just me and stiles because we like the same music so we would always blast it and as I can control my hearing it didn't hurt like scotts would, I got home and flopped on my bed my mom came in knocking on my door "late shift again" she smiled and I grunted, she worked in the hospital with scotts mom and my dad was a deputy how cool is that so my parents are never in, I rolled off my bed "hey mom how would you feel if I started football" I looked at her with worry n my eyes hoping she would be fine with it "I would feel fine it also gives me an excuse to take time off work" she smiled as she patted my shoulder and walked off, I walked back to my bed and started looking at foot ball equipment when suddenly I got a call off stiles so I picked up and what were the chances that scott picked up the same time as I picked up stiles spun round with a green toy gun, what a child "so what did you find out" scott huffed as he feel back into his chair "well its bad Jackson has a separated shoulder" stiles said as he put the gun out off shot "because of me?" scott whined as I laughed and they both looked at me and I raised an eyebrow to say what "because hes a tool" I replied "well is he gonna play" scott sounded hopeful and leaned into the camera "they don't know yet, now they are just counting on you for Saturday" as stiles said that they both went pixelly I don't know if its me or them, scott sighed and shook his head, stiles leaned into the camera and was typing something and that's when I saw someone in the back of scotts shot, It looked like a man, I was hoping that's what stiles was typing, a message came up from stiles on the chat saying 'it looks like' and that's when I knew he saw it, scott leaned In to read it, the whole thing froze so I minimized it and carried on looking at foot ball gear waiting till someone spoke.

teen wolf re-write (part 1) (stiles x reader)Where stories live. Discover now