Chapter 14

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The next morning Roman got up early so he could drop Miranda off at the auto shop. Roman walked out of the room to find Miranda standing there. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah. Sorry if I interrupted something," Miranda said.

"You didn't. My fiancé is still sound asleep," Roman said.

"Cool. Hey is it alright if I leave my things here? I'll grab them when we come back for my car," Miranda began to ramble.

Roman thought about what Alyse had said the previous night. "Leave your things here. Find out what's wrong with the car, what needs to be done, and how much it will cost and how long it will take to have it repaired. Until your car is fully fixed, you're welcome to stay here. But please don't go in my room. My fiancé needs all the rest she can get with the upcoming wedding."

"Alright, cool. Thanks again for letting me stay a bit. I'll do my part to pull my weight around here," Miranda said while walking out with Roman following behind her.

Roman drove Miranda to the auto shop, parking in front. "Do you need me to stay her and wait for you, or do you have a ride back to the house and your car?"

"I'll catch a ride with the tow truck driver. If I have to stay longer than expected, then I'll find a way to get a hold of you and let you know," Miranda said.

"The best way to get a hold of me is to have Anna or George call my office. Oh, and another thing. If you do end up needing to stay, remember the house rules. No matter what, don't go wandering in my bedroom, no matter how curious oyu are," Roman warned.

"What is it that you hide in your room, that you don't want anyone to find out about? Because if you sell drugs on the side, I don't care. It's your life. I have no say in what you do with it," Miranda said with a smile as she got out of the car closing the door, leaning down to talk to Roman through the open window.

"Just remember to stay out and all will be perfectly fine," Roman said before pulling away.

"Wow, so much for cracking even the tiniest smile. Though now he's got me a bit curious about what he is hiding in his bedroom that he doesn't want anyone knowing about," Miranda said to herself before making her way into the auto shop

"Greetings young lady. What can I do for you today," Mr. Ricky greeted.

"Hi. I was wondering if you could take a look at my car? It's broken down by the really nice-looking house. It looks modern on the outside," Miranda tried explaining.

Mr. Ricky only gave her a lost look. "Sweetheart, you obviously aren't from Hemlock Grove. I can tell that much already. I don't know how Mechanics do things from where you're from, but here we usually go to where the car was left. We go by an address that the car is close to or even a street name. If you can't provide me with that, I can't go out and pick up your car."

"Look, I don't know the address of the place where my car broke down. All I know is the house is really nice. I even stayed the night inside the house" Miranda said starting to lose her patients when a thought popped into her head. "The owner of the house. His name is Roman...Roman Godfrey. Does that ring a bell?"

"Roman Godfrey? What in the hell possessed you to go and stay with that boy? Don't you know who the hell Roman Godfrey is," Mr. Ricky asked.

"Should I know? I know he owns a company and is extremely rich. Why are you so afraid of Roman? He doesn't seem like he's that bad once you get to know him," Miranda defended.

"Roman Godfrey practically owns everything here in Hemlock Grove. He's due to marry a beautiful young girl, who had gone missing twice. He had to postpone the wedding once, because she had gone missing. But now that she's back, all everyone is talking about is when he plans on tying the knot with the young woman," Mr. Ricky explained.

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"Do you know her name? Because last night and this morning Roman did mention that his fiancé was resting," Miranda said.

"If that is all he said to you, then there is a possibility that the boy doesn't want you finding out her name. Forget that I even mentioned the girl," Mr. Ricky tried to cover his mistake.

"I think it's too late for that, Mr. Ricky. You already mentioned Roman's fiancé," Peter said walking through the door before turning to Miranda. "My name is Peter Rumancek. I'll take you to tow your car back. I know exactly where it broke down."

"You know where the address is," Miranda asked.

"Yeah. I guess you can say that I've been to Roman's house before," Peter said.

"Thank you so much," Miranda said following Peter to the tow truck. On the way to Roman's house, Miranda couldn't help but ask the question that was bothering her. "Peter, Mr. Ricky had mentioned a girl that was due to marry Roman. What did he mean by that? I mean I know he has a fiancé, but Mr. Ricky said this girl ran away twice from Roman. Do you know why?"

"What he said is true. Roman is involved in an arranged marriage," Peter explained. "You stayed in the house. Haven't you seen a glimpse of the young fiancé of Roman, wandering around?"

"No, I've only seen an old miserable maid and a butler who wander around the house. No young woman, though he did say that part of the house rules was that I was to stay out of the room that is always locked; as well as his bedroom. I had asked him if he had drugs hidden in there. I asked him as a joke, but he didn't find it funny. He said that I had to stay out of that room. What do you think he has locked away in his room," Miranda asked.

Peter pulled up to the broken-down car, getting out and attaching it to the tow truck. "It's not what he has locked away in his bedroom. It's more of a who is locked in his bedroom. Anyway, her name is Alyse Stormnight. AS Mr. Ricky said, she's Roman's fiance, only because it was arranged. Have you seen her? Is she doing alright?"

"I haven't had a chance to see or talk to the girl. If you're so worried about her, why don't you contact her yourself," Miranda asked,

"That's the thing, I can't. Roman doesn't want me hanging around or speaking to his fiancé," Peter said.

"Why not? It's not like if you see the girl, you're going to jump right into bed with her. You're her friend," Miranda said before noticing the look upon Peter's face. "Oh my god you have feelings for the girl."

"You're right, I do. I helped her when she ran away the first time. We had found out she was pregnant, but due to the stress, she lost the baby. While she was living with me, I had made the suggestion of running away, getting married and starting a family of our own. But then we had to move, and we came back here. Roman became part of both of our lives, destroying any chance we had at being happy together. What I wouldn't give now to make sure that she is doing alright. Alyse doesn't deserve to be locked away in a bedroom like that. But Roman would never let me anywhere near her," Peter said.

"What if I helped you out with getting to see this Alyse girl? Would it make you happy," Miranda asked.

"Yeah. I would have to find out where Anna keeps the spare key to Roman's bedroom, and maybe I could let Alyse out, so she could come and pay you a visit," Miranda suggested.

"What you're suggesting is very dangerous. If Roman were to find out that you were involved in helping his fiancé out to see me, he will go ape shit crazy on you, myself and Alyse. I can't put the both of you at risk like that," Peter said.

"Only way he would go ape shit crazy is if he found out about it. I doubt you plan on telling Roman that I'm going to set his fiancé free, so that way the two of you can hang together. I don't think that would fly anyway," Miranda said before noticing the look that Peter was giving her. "Look, do you want to see Alyse or not?"

"I do. But we have to be extremely careful and not get caught, Peter said before he nad Miranda got back in the truck bringing it back to the auto shop. "If we go through with your plan, it has to be when Roman is at the office."

"Right. So today you focus on what the damage of my car is. Tomorrow, you stop by Roman's house, tell me the damage is. Once Anna and George are out of the room, distracted with whatever it is they do, that is when you and I focus on getting this Alyse chick out of Roman's bedroom," Miranda said.

"Right. Do you need a ride back to the house," Peter asked.

"Yeah," Miranda replied.

Peter drove Miranda back to the house, dropping her off before returning back to the auto shop.

"Peter, do you honestly think it would be wise to piss off Roman Godfrey? Because if he wanted to, he could put me out of business," Mr. Ricky said worried.

"Mr. Ricky, Roman wouldn't shut you down. You're like he only auto shop in Hemlock Grove. Besides that, Roman is already angry with me for something that happened between us last year," Peter explained.

Miranda walked into Roman's house only to be greeted by a stern looking Anna. "Oh, hey Anna was it? Anyway, my car is in the shop. They won't know what is wrong with it until tomorrow. So, do you mind being a dear and getting a hold of Roman to let him know that, I'll be staying another night? Thanks. I knew you were a peach."

"I don't care if you're a guest of Mr. Godfrey's. I know a mooch when I see one. You're a damn freeloader, taking advantage of Mr. Godfrey. I hope he opens his eyes and sees for himself, that you are using him and his fiancé. Don't you think they have enough to worry about with their upcoming wedding? They don't need someone with the likes of you ruining their big day for them," Anna said before walking away.

"Wow. What a freaking gem. Wonder what Roman sees in the old broad that makes him want to keep her around so damn bad. Oh wait, can't get sidetracked now. I have to figure out where Anna keeps the spare key," Miranda said quietly to herself. Miranda was about to go venturing into the kitchen where she saw Anna wander into, only to be stopped by someone speaking up from behind her.

"Who are you?" 

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