Who Needs Memories || Miya Osamu

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"Why did you stay?"

Osamu stopped what he had been doing for the last couple of minutes, the bubbling curry being the only thing that he could hear at the moment. He swallowed down a huge lump, turning off the stove before finally facing you.

It was the same question all over again, it was always around this time of day, right before lunchtime. Sadly, no matter how many times he had answered this question, it still clenched his heart that you would even think about him leaving you.

Leaving you just because of the miniscule details that made you incomplete.

"I stay because I want to," No, from the very first moment he knew it was more than that. He had been craving for you, for your attention, for your love, "I stay because my heart beats for you."

Then you would sob, it needed three seconds for you to sink the information deep inside your conscious mind. He counted it all every time this event occurred; it wouldn't take long for you to embrace him, staining his shirt with your tears.

How about him? He would wrap his arms around you, assuring you that he was there, never once having the thought to abandon the love that had lasted for years, not even once. The bond that you two created, the love that the two of you gave to each other, and the memories both of you relished for eternity.

Ah, yes, the reminiscences.

It was something that you held dear to your heart, something that you lived for; you woke up every morning, remembering every detail that you shared with the man you called your husband. Memories were the essence of life; because without it, you were not going to be here right now, falling into his embrace.

Your high school was known for its iconic motto: We don't need the memories. Truthfully, you never liked that phrase. For you, without the memories, without the process, then everything that you did would be all for nothing. Regardless of how good the results are.

One thing you know for sure, you would be nothing without those memories.

The first thing that you felt when you woke up was how his arms wrapped gently around your figure. His breath tickled your nape, making your whole body shudder by how warm the hot air from his lips nipped at your skin.

A white blanket covered both of your bodies, protecting the two of you from any unwanted cold that might strike at night. You opened up your eyes, gaze falling to the bedroom door. From that fact, you frowned.

You wanted to see him, to see how peaceful he looked when he was asleep. So carefully, you turned your body towards him, biting your lips so you wouldn't emit any sound. He was not a really heavy sleeper, so you needed to be extra careful.

"Why yer face look funny?" You jolted when he suddenly parted his lips. He was wide awake, eyes staring deep into yours with a mischievous glint in his irises, "Don't want to wake me up, huh?"

You pouted before punching his chest in a playful manner, making your husband chuckle. His morning voice made your stomach tingle, and he knew damn well about it. He cupped your face lovingly, grazing his thumb on your cheek while his orbs never left your face for a split second.

It was this peaceful moment, some snippets of recollections that you would imprint inside your mind. You, waking up next to him every morning. Him, looking at you as if you were born in this world bestowed only for his soul.

He leaned in, capturing your lips tenderly. The subtle gesture made your heart to pulsate, but at the same time, it made you feel safe. The kiss that you two shared was mostly soft, coruscated with some flickers here and there, but never too much.

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