Kurt was into performing. Poppy was into sport.
Growing up, it had always been as simple as that for Kurt Hummel's younger sister, and boarding school in England had set her up to be a professional soccer player. Then her foot was crushed by a drun...
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Chapter Forty - The Scientist
The good thing about making the wrong choice is that you will know for certain what the right one is. I was lucky, I had managed to play most of the football season before I left. in fact, it was probably the thought of there no longer being any football that compelled me so much to leave. I had made friends, but none of a lifetime. The idea of spending a few purposeless months with people I didn't really want to be around sickened me, so after our final match I had booked a flight and turned up back home insisting to my dad I wasn't going back. He wasn't too opposed, in fact, he had told me he wasn't surprised as this was something I'd do.
It wasn't that I was unpopular, in fact, my boarding school hacks I had picked up in England had favoured me immensely. Not often there were transfers for senior year and my stash of alcohol I had packed and the clothes Kurt had helped me pick out with my Topshop discount, it was the most popular I had ever been. Though my attempt to resurrect their glee club failed miserably, and I was ready to return.
I wasn't scared about going back to McKinley, but I should have been. The moment I had stepped in the school I lost contact with everyone, though I justified it for my own good, as I knew if I had been hearing from Sam on the phone about what everyone was up to in the Glee Club that it would just sadden me. Blaine didn't text much anyways, I told him it would just upset him more, but in reality, it was me it would upset the most.
So, upon my return and whisper from Kurt that there was a Sadie Hawkins dance, I had arranged to meet with one of the Glee Club members I had never been that close with anyways: Artie.
"So you're back?" he asked, he was smiling, we had always gotten along.
I nodded, "For good, it took me five months away to realise I'm more of a performer than a footballer."
He giggled softly, "That's good, but you're too late. We already lost Sectionals."
"Finn said at Christmas," I sighed, "but I'm not here for Sectionals, I'm here to spend my last few months at school with you guys. I just want to make a bit of an entrance, not to be dramatic but it's been too long since I've been on a stage, and I heard you guys are performing at Sadie Hawkins."
Artie chuckled, his smile knew exactly what I had meant. He had been in charge of the performances and pulled up the setlist on his laptop where he had slotted me in at half eight exactly. Not too late in the night, though everybody would be there at least.
Our conversation was interrupted when a male in a Warblers Blazer began to shout at the staff, "Who's that?" I whispered as I saw Artie pull out his phone and begin to film.
"That's Hunter Clarington, captain of the Warblers," Artie revealed.
"I thought Sebastian was the captain of the Warblers?" Though Artie shook his head, I was just in disbelief that Sebastian would have given up the position so easily.
"What the hell is this?" Hunter spat, "Did you put Splenda in my latte?" He knocked down a whole box of sugar on his side. "You're a barista! You don't think! You need to remember like six things and one of them is that the sugar comes in the brown packet and the Splenda is in the yellow!" He kept pushing everything off the table, this wasn't normal. "I freakin hate Splenda! It tastes like pencils!" He had gone over to the self-service station and began to throw everything over there on the floor as people watched in amusement. "Why are you putting pencils in my latte?"
The worst part of Kurt being in New York was not having here for fashion advice, and Finn was an awful substitute. The best part of his advice was that he had informed me that they had a winter wonderland theme, so when I had seen the dress I knew it was my only choice. "I can't believe you're the new Mr Schue," I chuckled.
"Barely, I'm only just about managing, though I like it," He sighed, I had forced Finn to come and get ready with me, a Kurt alternative. He wasn't doing much but sitting there, he opted to chaperone the event, which was weird for somebody who had only just left the school.
"Have you spoken to anyone?" I had previously instructed Finn to not speak about anyone from the club when I was back, scared that hearing about them would mean I couldn't go back to boarding school. Though even without not hearing about them I found myself returning, though he seemed to have maintained this through the week.
I shook my head, "Look I just think you should know that Blaine-"
"Geez is that the time? Finn, we gotta go or I'm going to miss my performance slot!" I suddenly looked at my phone, getting up and walking out of the room. I wondered what he was going to say, though I knew now I was back that Blaine and I could resume our romance earlier than we had planned, and I had never been more excited to see him.
Tina had finally gotten what she wanted, Blaine had agreed to be her date for the Sadie Hawkins dance and it was only a matter of time before they became official. They had both been in the same boat at the start of the year, both Mike and Poppy leaving and breaking things off. Before, they hadn't ever spoken much, though they had come together with their circumstances and it wasn't long before Tina felt herself falling for Blaine.
How could she not? He had that charm and smooth voice, no wonder Poppy had got her hands on him the moment they had met, though she was gone and he hadn't even mentioned her all week. It did help that Poppy had completely gone MIA with everyone in the Glee Club, Finn had obviously seen her in the holidays, though he just insisted that she didn't want to be upset.
Though Tina didn't mind, they were never really friends and with her completely out of the picture, Blaine was her's for the taking. Now she had been there, slow-dancing with him, his face and lips so close. They hadn't yet kissed, always getting so close, though, in the heat of the moment, this could have been their perfect first kiss. They had gotten closer, close enough so his breath had caressed her face until the song changed, and it took one voice for Blaine to pull away and look at the stage.