Chapter 12: Forgiveness and Truth

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As Blake stopped, Cloud stood up, shaking his head as he looked at her.

"What was that all about?" Cloud asked as he tried to figure where he is, "I gotta get back to my team ya'know."

"How can you still trust them?! They called you a monster!" Blake yelled at him as he looked at her with a confused expression.

"Ozpin told me to, plus they aren't so bad." Cloud said as he dug out another ketchup bottle. 

"I don't understand..." Blake said in a somber tone.

"What are you going on about?" Cloud asked as he began to drink out of the bottle. 

As the two sat in silence, a yelp was heard as a certain monkey-faunus fell down.

"Hey there, I noticed that you were quite angry at this poor faunus here." The monkey-faunus said as he pointed finger guns at Cloud.

"Ayyyyy, name's Cloud, what's yours?" Cloud asked as he too pointed finger guns at the monkey-faunus. 

"The name's Sun Wukong! A pleasure to meet you goat boy and cat girl!" Sun said as he snickered at the nicknames. 

"Heh, you speak my language." Cloud said with a smile. 

"Let's get out of here." Blake said before rushing off.

"Damn, she seems to like small talk." Sun said before going to chase after Blake.

Seeing the two run off and jump on rooftops, Cloud sighed as he ran to catch up to them. As the days past, Sun and Blake had to stop and wait for Cloud to catch his breath before continuing. Finally, the trio stopped at a balcony cafe as Cloud was able to sit down. 

"So....what is this all about?" Cloud asked as he looked at Blake and the ribbon on top of her head. 

"Sun, Cloud, are you two familiar with the White Fang?" Blake asked

"Um....not really, amnesiac here." Cloud said, pointing his head. 

"Wow, here I thought that every faunus on the planet has heard of them. Stupid holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me." Sun said with a tone of annoyance. 

"Oh...." Cloud said as he began to remember the course of the day that Blake ran, "Sorry." 

"Oh, no it's fine, you didn't know that I was originally a member of the White Fang." Blake said waving her hand around. 

"Wait wait wait, you were a member of the White Fang?" Sun asked as he got dangerously close to Blake's face in fascination. 

"Yup, for most of my life actually, you could say I was born into it," Blake said as she pulled up a picture on her scroll showing various fallen weapons, "Back then, the White Fang was meant to be a peaceful organization, a symbol of peace and unity between humans and faunus." 

"And you can see how that turned out..." Sun said with a scowl on his face as Blake nodded. 

"Despite being promised equality, the faunus were subjugated to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people. And I was there." Blake said as she showed a picture of her being at a rally, "I was at the front of every rally, I took part in every boycott, I thought I was making a difference."

"I thought you did, after all, the White Fang was peaceful, right?" Cloud asked as he interjected into the conversation. 

"I thought so too, but five years later, the leader stepped down and a new one rose up with a different type of thinking," at this Blake showed various pictures of broken windows and coordinated attacks on cargo trains, "Our peaceful protests became coordinated attacks, and the worst part was that we were treated like equals, not out of respect....but fear."


"Damn, I mean it can't be that bad, right? You got what you wanted." Cloud said as Blake slammed her hand down.

"It's not!" Blake yelled out suddenly as Cloud looked at her with a confused expression.

"If you're respected out of fear, then it's better than nothing, right?" Cloud said. 

"But it wasn't our original purpose! Look what happened to your own teammate!" Blake yelled at Cloud's face.

"What was it?" Cloud asked.

"Her village was raided by the White Fang, destroyed by them, razed to the ground." Blake said in a somber tone. 

"Oh...." Cloud said in realization as the trio became quiet at this, "Sorry."

"I-It's fine, I shouldn't have snapped at you." Blake said as she put her head down in shame, "I just don't think that the White Fang is behind these robberies." 

"I mean, the easiest way to find out is to go where they would be, and if they aren't, that's good, right?" Cloud said, pointing the idea out. 

"Oh yeah, while I was on that boat, I heard of a large shipment of Dust coming from Atlas." Sun said in thought. 

"How large?" Blake asked, looking at Sun.

"Huge. Big Schnee Company Freighter." Sun said, stretching his arms as to try and give a scale.

"You sure?" Blake asked.

"Totally." Sun said with a smirk.

"Before we do that, can I grab my weapons or something?" Cloud asked, looking at his hands, seeing the neutral faces of Blake and Sun, "What?"

Meanwhile, Violet was walking around reluctantly looking for Cloud, along with Ruby.

"Hey...uh...Violet you okay?" Ruby asked as she looked at Violet's hidden face.

"No, no I'm not." Violet said in a hollow voice.

"Well...uh....cheer up! We can find Cloud so don't worry!" Ruby said in a fake cheery tone. 

"Yeah...whatever you say Ruby..." Violet said as she kept walking, the two walking in silence before Ruby breaks it.

"I....lost a parent too..." Ruby said quietly as Violet looked at her, "Summer Rose. She was on a mission, but she never came back."

"Do you think she is still alive?" Violet asked.

"No, I don't think so." Ruby said, before feeling the hand of Violet on her shoulder.

"You didn't have to say that." Violet said in a cautious tone.

"Sa-lu-tations!" Came a cheery voice that surprised both Ruby and Violet as they yelped. 

As night rolled around, Cloud was hanging onto a roof thanks to Blake as Sun jumped down.

"I brought some apples." Sun said, pulling out two other apples as Cloud happily ate one.

"Do you always break the law without a second thought?" Blake asked as she looked at Sun.

"Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?" Sun said, as Blake glared at him, shrinking under the gaze, "Sorry sorry." 

"Hey, I see something." Cloud said as he was still munching on his apple. 

Sun and Blake looked at what Cloud was looking at, with Blake's eyes widening. 

"Oh no..." Blake said as she saw White Fang members walking out of a bullhead. 

"Is that them?" Sun asked, pointing to one. 

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