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           He forced him, he's a bad person. Fighter was sitting on the ground hugging himself crying. Tor didn't want it, he forced it on him.

          "What's happening to P'Zee, P'Chen?" Saint asked nervously looking at the figure of Zee on the ground.

          "I think he's too in character." P'Chen responded.

            He hurt Tor he doesn't deserve him. It would be better to do what he said and get out of his life.

         "P'Fight?" Saint asked and Zee immediately looked up. This has happened multiple times before but never this bad. Saint walks towards him slowly.

         "No stay back Tor, I'll end up hurting you more." P'Fight says quickly his eyes filled with fear. Little did Saint and Zee know they were getting this all on tape for behind the scenes.

        "No I'm not Tor P'Zee I'm Saint." Saint says softly sinking down beside him.

       "H-Huh? Tor I don't know what your talking about." P'Fight says confused.

       "Please P'Zee come back to Saint Naaa~" Saint took Zee's hand in his and gave it a light squeeze.

         P'Fight, P'Zee? Who am I? Saint? who? He felt a soft hand squeeze his and looked in Tor's eyes.

       "Saint?" He said in a questioning manner. Saint nodded his head gently, smiling softly at him.

       "And your Zee you didn't do anything to hurt me that was Fighter but your Zee." Saint said softly brushing Zee's hair out of his face.

       "I'm Zee." Fighter echoed still confused. Tor wrapped his arms around him tightly. Then P'Fight got tucked back into the back of his brain. Only coming out again at the next scene they shoot.

          Zee lets out a long sigh and relaxes into Saint's arms. "Saint..." Zee whispers gently. He could feel Saint smile against his skin.

         "That's right Zee I'm your Saint not Tor." Saint said gently pulling back to look at Zee. Zee smiles softly and pecks Saint in the cheek. Saint looked wide eyed at his boyfriend.

         "Get a room you two!" Jimmy called from behind the camera. Zee's ears turned red and he looked down embarrassed. Saint laughed at the state Zee was in.

        "Well if you know where an empty room is we'd be happy to go there." Saint replies with a smirk. The whole crew burst into laughter at Saint's words. Zee blushes harder and tried to hide his face from the cameras.


      "When did you get that on video P'Aof?" Zee asked curiously. The whole crowd was going crazy because of it. Saint was laughing on the other side of the stage. It took a total of 10 minutes for the crowd to calm down.

"I have my ways." P'Aof responded cheekily. Zee was standing there dumbfounded trying to think of what to say.

"Zeeme!" One of the fans yelled from the crowd. Saint's smile faded and he walked over to Zee and stood in front of him. Glaring at the crowd, this made the crowd go crazy again and laugh.

"Too bad he's already taken." Saint said and Zee looked at Saint shocked.

"N'Saint why are you so possessive?" Zee whispered in Saint's ear. He saw the ends of Saint's lips curve in a smirk.

"What I can't be possessive of my boyfriend?" Saint whispered back the microphone away from his mouth. Zee got red and hid his face from the crowd that was still screaming like crazy. Jimmy and Tommy smirked at us.

         "Saint why do you do this to me?" Zee said in the microphone and everyone laughed.


         Zee had fallen asleep backstage while Saint got his makeup taken off. His head was resting on his arms arms resting on the arm of the sofa.

         Saint couldn't help but smile at his cute boyfriend who had fallen asleep on the couch. He looked so peaceful and calm while he was sleeping. Gently he shook Zee's shoulder to wake him.

"P'Zee wake up" Saint said softly. Zee looked at him eyes opened halfway blinking the sleepiness away.

"Saint" Zee said softly and smiled sleepily.

"Come on Tee Rak I'll drive so you can sleep." Saint said helping Zee get up. Slowly they made their way to his car. Saint put Zee in the car then went around the car to get in himself. As they drove home Zee had fallen asleep again. When he stopped the car in front of their house he just sat there for a bit letting Zee sleep. I love you so much Zee. Real life isn't a novel or a tv show this is real life Saint and Zee not Tutor and Fighter.

I'm kind of focused on my other book right now but I still try to post on this one. Again it's short I know, I will do a long one soon once I know what to write about k?
Make sure to stay safe!💕💕💕

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