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My eyes flutter open as i bring my hands up to rub them, letting out soft groans. I feel that my back is sore, i fell asleep on the roof. Of course.
I wasn't surprised that they didn't come look, but oh well, whatever. I stretch my arms up as i let out a yawn, leaning my head down to rest on my knee. The sky looked so beautiful today.

After minutes of sitting by myself, it started to get cold so i made my way inside. My face dropped when i saw the guitar still there broken, I kinda hoped it was just a nightmare but guess not. I tied my hair back since it was ruined, and crouched down to pick up the pieces. The sight broke my heart.. Dad gave me this guitar. It was the last thing he left me, and now? nothing.

After picking up the pieces, i leave my room quietly, not wanting to interrupt the grumpy ones living in the house. I mentally punch myself, i had stepped on a the creaky wooden plank in the middle of the stairs. I felt like it was too late to run, so i froze in place like the stupid person i am.

"Oh, so you're actually here." Ivy says, the voice coming from behind me.

I close my eyes, as i sigh loudly, cursing under my breath. My body turns itself slowly as i stare at her.

"Yes fair lady, are you on your period for the 50th time this week?" I say.

"I ain't got time for your attitude, you have to come with me on this trip. Moms making me and besides, once they see how pathetic you are, they'll think i'm so perfect." Ivy says. Once again with that disgusting smile.

"excuse me what? your breath stinks, i'm getting distracted."

"Stop playing your stupid games, you're coming with me whether you like it or not. And if not, i'll break more of your little musical friends." Ivy says and she mockingly pouts.

I groan and walk down the stairs as i call out to her.

"Where the hell are we going anyway?"

"Boat trip." She responds.

My eyes widen as i turn back around, my jaw dropping.

"sorry what?" I say.

"Quit bitching and pack some clothes, you might fall in or sumn." Ivy says with complete chill.

I hesitantly walk upstairs to pack a few clothes in my backpack, not even paying attention as my mind wanders. I'll be alright.. i think? As long as i don't interact and have too much fun.. i'll be okay. I throw the bag onto my back as i run downstairs, my earphones already in. Minutes passed and i hear Ivy's footsteps finally, i look up to see her carrying almost a thousand bags. This is only for like a day and she's bringing the whole house? Disgrace.

When we reached the place, i noticed myself getting fidgety and moving around a lot, tapping on my thigh or biting my lip. This atmosphere was too much for me. I watch as they all step onto the boat, me being the only person behind.

"Don't embarrass me.. get the fuck on!" Ivy mumbles to me.

I take a deep breath before taking a step onto the boat, a gasp leaving my mouth. The boat had started to move and i couldn't do anything, i couldn't escape. I tried to focus on my breathing, as i leaned against the rails. Looking at the ocean made my stomach twist and turn..

I felt a nudge on my shoulder, followed by a harsh push as i hear laughter surrounding me, the only thing i can hear before complete silence. Everything was dark, i couldn't adjust my eyes properly. I felt like i was.. flying. I opened my eyes to find out i was in the water. I tried to calm my heartbeat as i felt it rise up slightly. All i hear was my heart, I was too scared to look around me. Is this how i'm gonna die? Is this how it all ends?

My eyes start to flutter before looking off into the distance to see someone there. They were swimming so elegantly, I didn't have to fear if it was a shark. It had eyes, Bright green eyes. Long hair, obviously longer since it was wet. Malachai..

The last thing i saw was him inches away from me before my eyes shut and everything goes black.

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